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Final Marketing Plan (Parts A & B) Objectives and Issues The company’s objectives should be defined in specific terms so management can measure progress ad if needed, take corrective action to say on track. This section describes any major issues that might affect the company’s marketing strategy and implementation. Be sure to include the first year and second year objectives. Generally, we are using unit sales volume for the first and second year.  Marketing Strategy What’s the Plan? Positioning A positioning built on meaningful differences, supported by appropriate strategy and implementation, can help the company build competitive a

Final Marketing Plan (Parts A & B)

Objectives and Issues
The company’s objectives should be defined in specific terms so management can measure progress ad if needed, take corrective action to say on track. This section describes any major issues that might affect the company’s marketing strategy and implementation. Be sure to include the first year and second year objectives. Generally, we are using unit sales volume for the first and second year.

 Marketing Strategy What’s the Plan?

A positioning built on meaningful differences, supported by appropriate strategy and implementation, can help the company build competitive advantage. How is your product different? How is your product viewed by your target audience?

Product Strategy
Include all the features described in the earlier product review section. Describe the warranty. Describe what you will do to build the brand? Describe the brand, its logo on the product as well as its packaging.

Pricing Strategy
Describe your pricing strategy. What will you charge at retail, etc? Will it be a penetrating pricing strategy, like Walmart? Will it be a skimming policy like Mercedes automobiles?

Distribution Strategy
Describe your channel strategy. How will you get your product from the producer to the consumer? Who you will use for distribution to market your product? What retails will you use? What channels will be used as coverage and what markets you plan on entering. Will you use the Internet and or catalogs as well?

Marketing Communication Strategy
Integrating all messages (IMC) in all media uses, will reinforce the brand name and its main points of product differentiation. Will you use all five of the elements including: advertising, sales promotions, public relations and personal selling? Direct marketing in some circles is also one of the communications as well.

Marketing Research
We can identify specific features and benefits that our target market segments value. Feedback form market tests, surveys, and focus groups will help us develop new products and services. You can also measure and analyze customer attitudes toward competitive brands and products.

Marketing Organization
Explain who would be hired to handle various aspects of the marketing organization.

 Budgets
Budgets serve two main purposes: to project profitability and to help managers plan for expenditures, scheduling, and operations related to each action program. Be sure to include a break-even point.

 Control
Controls help management assess results after the plan is implemented, identify any problems or performance variations, and initiate corrective action. There is a need for tight control measures to monitor quality and customer service. This will enable you to correct any problems that may occur. Other early warning signs include monthly sales and monthly expenses.

C.PowerPoint for Marketing Plan

Create a PowerPoint presentation with an introduction slide and components 2-5 of Parts A & B.

You will presenting to the class in Week 8.

Include images to increase appeal

Do not overcrowd your slides.

Do not write in complete sentences and paragraphs; use bullet points.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Time limit: 8-10 minutes.

I need a speech for PPT, thank you!


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