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It is a reflective essay based on the theory you feel most aligns with your own style, your own experience of coaching: Skills of Manager-Consultant Course Work, CIPD, UK

It is a reflective essay based on the theory you feel most aligns with your own style, your own experience of coaching, any skills you might have in coaching, and how you can transfer the knowledge, information and skills gained from the workshop onto new coaching programmes as part of a coaching culture. Explain which aspects of the workshops you found most useful, and how you can transfer this to organisational coaching programmes. Refer to one of the theories outlined and explain which you found most useful.

Discuss how you can utilise this in your planning for a coaching culture in your role as HR practitioner: say what you liked best about the process, what was least useful and what areas of coaching, in your own experience, or from the workshop, would be most useful for career development. Finally, consider if you could transfer any of the coaching workshop knowledge and skills, such as active listening, and being able to challenge someone, into a coaching programme. Include your criticisms of coaching theory, and/or coaching in general. Focus your reflection on one of the skills from the workshop. References can be made to the CIPD Skills Map if appropriate, explaining the level of application.

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