Irish Hygiene Services Ltd. is a provider of domestic and commercial cleaning services. Their head office is based in Dublin with Branch offices in Limerick, Cork, and Galway.
Irish Hygiene Services have appointed a new Quality and Compliance Manager, whose first task is to acquire quality assurance accreditation. In line with this, the Quality and Compliance Manager have delegated responsibilities amongst a team of supervisory managers to ensure that the company’s systems, policies, and procedures are compliant, relevant, and up-to-date prior to the impending visit from the quality assurance auditor.
Requirement 1:
Examine the main roles, duties, and responsibilities of a supervisory manager in the Irish Hygiene Services including:
- The organizational aims and policies for the delivery of services to its clients
- Personnel management procedures.
- Service level agreements
- Health and safety issues that need constant supervision
- Methods to maintain transparency within your team and ensuring 360 – degree feedback
Requirement 2:
As part of a standard ‘Job Specification’ for a supervisory manager of Irish Hygiene Services, describe/develop the following:
- Indicate the aims, objectives, and goals of the company in the form of a mission statement.
- Give an overview of the five elements of supervisory management
- Show the hierarchical organizational chart of Irish Hygiene Services and highlight your position within this organization
Requirement 3:
Based on the Irish Hygiene Services Ltd case study above please respond to the following with your suggested answers:
- (i) Purpose and methods of supervision most suitable in the given context of services being provided by the Irish Hygiene Services
(ii) develop a suitable staff code of conduct - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of in–house and contact staff in the context of this Company
- Outline the membership benefits of any one of the following for the employees of this company:
• Professional or trade association
• Trade unions
• Works Committee
Requirement 4:
Describe the methods and precautions required to be built in to safeguard information and records in the Irish Hygiene Services.
Requirement 5:
Describe the key steps required to recruit staff in this Company, separately under each of the following supervisory activities:
• Pre-planning
• Suitable methods to be selected to source and screen staff
• Advantages and disadvantages of using an application form to shortlist candidates
• Which method to source and screen staff would you recommend to the Management, give a reason.
Requirement 6:
Devise a departmental budget using the following information and derive the net
likely profit before tax. Please include detailed explanatory notes related to fixed
costs/variable costs/contingency expenditures and so on in your answer to display your
complete understanding of the Budget process:
- Sales/Earnings €155,000
- Employee wages and contributions €72,000
- Management wages and contributions €8,000
- Premises €10,000
- Commercial Rates, light, and heating €5,000
- Cleaning supplies €4,000
- Phone and internet charges €2,400
- Stationery and post €2,000
- Uniforms €900
- Motor expenses €6,000
- Travel expenses €3,000
- Advertising and promotion €4,000
- Legal and professional €1,500
- Insurance €1,200
- Contingency for unplanned expenditure at 10%