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6N4329: Irish Hygiene Services Ltd. is a provider of domestic and commercial cleaning services. Their head office is based in Dublin with Branch offices: Supervisory Management Assignment, OC, Ireland

Irish Hygiene Services Ltd. is a provider of domestic and commercial cleaning services. Their head office is based in Dublin with Branch offices in Limerick, Cork, and Galway.

Irish Hygiene Services have appointed a new Quality and Compliance Manager, whose first task is to acquire quality assurance accreditation. In line with this, the Quality and Compliance Manager have delegated responsibilities amongst a team of supervisory managers to ensure that the company’s systems, policies, and procedures are compliant, relevant, and up-to-date prior to the impending visit from the quality assurance auditor.

Requirement 1:

Examine the main roles, duties, and responsibilities of a supervisory manager in the Irish Hygiene Services including:

  • The organizational aims and policies for the delivery of services to its clients
  • Personnel management procedures.
  • Service level agreements
  • Health and safety issues that need constant supervision
  • Methods to maintain transparency within your team and ensuring 360 – degree feedback

Requirement 2:

As part of a standard ‘Job Specification’ for a supervisory manager of Irish Hygiene Services, describe/develop the following:

  • Indicate the aims, objectives, and goals of the company in the form of a mission statement.
  • Give an overview of the five elements of supervisory management
  • Show the hierarchical organizational chart of Irish Hygiene Services and highlight your position within this organization

Requirement 3:

Based on the Irish Hygiene Services Ltd case study above please respond to the following with your suggested answers:

  • (i) Purpose and methods of supervision most suitable in the given context of services being provided by the Irish Hygiene Services
    (ii) develop a suitable staff code of conduct
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of in–house and contact staff in the context of this Company
  • Outline the membership benefits of any one of the following for the employees of this company:
    Professional or trade association
    Trade unions
    Works Committee

Requirement 4:

Describe the methods and precautions required to be built in to safeguard information and records in the Irish Hygiene Services.

Requirement 5: 

Describe the key steps required to recruit staff in this Company, separately under each of the following supervisory activities:
Suitable methods to be selected to source and screen staff
Advantages and disadvantages of using an application form to shortlist candidates
Which method to source and screen staff would you recommend to the Management, give a reason.

Requirement 6:

Devise a departmental budget using the following information and derive the net
likely profit before tax. Please include detailed explanatory notes related to fixed
costs/variable costs/contingency expenditures and so on in your answer to display your
complete understanding of the Budget process:

  • Sales/Earnings €155,000
  • Employee wages and contributions €72,000
  • Management wages and contributions €8,000
  • Premises €10,000
  • Commercial Rates, light, and heating €5,000
  • Cleaning supplies €4,000
  • Phone and internet charges €2,400
  • Stationery and post €2,000
  • Uniforms €900
  • Motor expenses €6,000
  • Travel expenses €3,000
  • Advertising and promotion €4,000
  • Legal and professional €1,500
  • Insurance €1,200
  • Contingency for unplanned expenditure at 10%
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