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COVID-19 and The Future Impact on children

  1. The topic you selected (it must be one of the choices from the provided list) My topic is ” COVID-19 and the Future Impact on Children ”
  2. At least three questions you have about this topic and how it might impact the future of our society. You do not need to have answers to these questions yet, just pose the questions for now.  Aim for “why” questions rather than “what”. These are the questions that will drive your research in the next few weeks and help you to find the most useful sources.
  3. A short paragraph (approx. 150 words) reflecting on this process. Consider the following as you reflect: Why did you choose this topic? Do you think you have any biases toward a certain perspective on it? How will you try to minimize your own biases as you conduct research? Did you find it difficult to come up with facts and questions about your topic or to think about how this topic relates to the future?

Put all three components into the Milestone 1 Template Download Milestone 1 Template and submit the finished document to the drop box by Sunday night of Module 1. 

The post COVID-19 and The Future Impact on children appeared first on School Core.


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