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Critically analyze a recent international investment dispute between a multinational enterprise and a ‘developing’ country, of your choice: Business and Law Assignment, MMU, Ireland

  • Critically analyze a recent international investment dispute between a multinational
    enterprise and a ‘developing’ country, of your choice. How did the differences in power
    between the host state and the multinational enterprise affect the outcome?
  • Explain the emergence of international tax havens and the challenge to governments
    across the world to tax the revenues of their multinational enterprises.
  • Have multinational corporations been powerful in their efforts to influence the global
    governance of climate change? Explain with regard to the power of states and
    international institutions in the global political economy.
  • Do multinational corporations have the power to either improve or degrade the
    prospects for the economic development of host countries? Discuss and support your
    answer with empirical example(s) from any country/region of the world.
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