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Discussion: Headline 1

The article you I choose: South Dakota Sioux refuse to take down ‘illegal’ checkpoints


Ethical decision-making is a process. The notes you just made are your record of the reasoning process you used to form your opinion about solving this dilemma. For the second part of this activity, use your notes to write a discussion post in which you: 

  1. Describe the dilemma.
  2. State your solution: what is the right thing to do? (Principal approach)
  3. Write down the pros and cons. What would lead to the best consequences for all. (Consequence approach)
  4. Take a look at the list of virtues provided and discuss 2 virtues you think are important to your solution. (Virtue’s approach)
  5. Apply at least 2 of the concepts from your textbook to the dilemma?
    • List of virtues
    • Kindness
    • Compassion
    • Patience
    • Love
    • Respect
    • Honesty
    • Responsibility
    • Courage
    • Strength
    • Fairness

The post Discussion: Headline 1 appeared first on School Core.


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