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Finance and Economics for International Supply Chains

Finance and Economics for International Supply Chains

Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services

Word Count : 2000 words

Learning outcomes:  

This coursework assesses your achievement of module learning outcomes. To pass, you must show that you are able to:

Examine the impact of finance and financial decisions on the management of supply chains and their component businessesCritically Analyse financial risk management techniques.

Assessment Task

Write a report addressing the following points.

Question 1: Using the headlines of the APMM Annual Report 2021, refer to revenues and free cash flow headings to identify and explain specific activities that have contributed to the performance of the warehouse operations at terminals. 

Question 2: Define and calculate working capital using the APMM Annual Report 2021. Using the concept of liquidity, critically evaluate the importance of working capital in a supply chain context.

Question 3: Critically evaluate three techniques that you can use to increase liquidity in the business, focussing only on the ‘assets’ element of working capital.

Supply Chain Finance

Question 1 must include:

Information about revenues related to warehouse performance

Information about cash flow related to warehouse performance 

Sources must include references to APM report and at least 2 other sources

Question 2 must include:

Definition and calculation of working capital based on AP Muller Financial Report 2021 (report available on DLE). 

Critical evaluation of working capital role based on the liquidity concept in a supply chain context.

Sources must include references to APM report and at least 3 other sources

Question 3 must include:

Critical evaluation of three techniques commonly used to enhance liquidity focusing on the ‘assets’ element of working capital. You must include at least 3 sources

Word count: 2,000 words (+/-10%) excluding references, cover page, tables and graphs.


The post Finance and Economics for International Supply Chains first appeared on Krita Infomatics.

The post Finance and Economics for International Supply Chains appeared first on Krita Infomatics.


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