KPER 1400 Leisure Profile Assignment Description
During this course we have learned that individuals have different interpretations of leisure,
what it is, its value, and its role in their lives. We have learned that there is a decisionmaking process around leisure engagement, and the decision to participate in any type of
leisure activity depends on a variety of factors and influences, some internal, some external.
The purpose of creating a leisure profile is for you to become more consciously aware of
what motivates your leisure pursuits, as well as identify the constraints that may exist. The
profile is an opportunity to reflect on your values and understanding of the world and how
your recreation activities are shaped by your worldview. The profile invites you to share
your philosophical perspective regarding the impact and influence of leisure concepts in
your life.
Create a personal leisure profile in order to
• describe your understandings of the term leisure and how these understandings may
have changed since the beginning of term
• describe your understandings of the term recreation and how these understandings
may have changed since the beginning of term
• explain the activities that you are currently involved in
• explain what motivates your leisure participation
• explain what enables your leisure participation
• explain what constrains your leisure participation
• explain the various influences on your leisure behaviour such as gender, family,
and/or culture
• explain how your leisure enhances or negatively impacts your personal well-being
How to Complete Your Leisure Profile
This assignment requires you to write a descriptive essay about your leisure, your
understandings of the aforementioned objectives and your overall philosophy of leisure in
your life.
For tips on what a descriptive essay is, please see the following link
To succeed you will
• apply the knowledge presented to you in this course
• draw from your personal experiences
• apply the knowledge from the academic resources you collect, and contrast that
knowledge with your experiences and understandings
Leisure Profile Components
Your Leisure Profile must include discussions around the following 7 components.
Please Note: The questions and points with each component are provided to only help
guide your thinking.
I. Understandings of Leisure and Recreation
What is your understanding of leisure and recreation?
1. How do you personally define leisure? How do you personally define
2. Do your definitions align with the discussions in the text?
3. Have your personal understandings of recreation and leisure changed from
the beginning of the course until now?
II. Current Leisure Behaviours
The following suggestions may be helpful in conveying your current leisure behaviours.
1. Describe your leisure and/or recreation and the activities that you engage in.
2. Provide as many details you deem to be relevant, for example, the names of the
activities, where you participate, how often you participate, who you participate
with etc.
3. Discuss how often do you participate in these activities on a daily, weekly, monthly
or yearly basis.
4. Choose to focus on one leisure activity or more than one activity to illustrate your
III. Motivations and Satisfaction
1. Discuss what motivates you to participate in your leisure activities.
2. You have the option to discuss which activities are your favourites and why.
3. What level of satisfaction do you receive from these activities?
4. What is the difference between motivation and satisfaction? Is there a difference?
IV. Constraints
1. What are some constraints that prevent you from participating in these and other
leisure activities?
2. Are you able to remove the constraints? If so, how?
V. Stress and Coping
1. Identify and describe the things in your life that make you feel stressed.
2. Identify and describe the activities that reduce your stress.
3. Are you able to engage in leisure other than to combat negative sensations?
VI. Influences on Leisure Behaviours
1. What influence or role does your gender have on your leisure behaviour?
2. How does your family or cultural background influence your leisure behaviour?
3. What enables your leisure engagement? (e.g. finances, time, privilege, social
contacts, public institutions, availability/opportunity, accessibility, etc.).
VII. Personal Philosophy of Leisure
Please Note: Start your essay with your personal philosophy or include it at the end, (or
both). It is up to you.
1. How do you personally think about leisure? How does it fit within your life?
2. Does your philosophy align with societal norms?
3. What is your overall opinion of your current leisure philosophy?
4. What academic resource(s) did you reference and how do these ideas relate to your
personal philosophy of leisure? What ideas from the text resonated with your
understandings of leisure?
The essay must be a minimum of 5 pages and up to a maximum of 8 pages in length. It must
include separate title and reference pages. In other words, 5-8 pages plus a title page and a
reference page.
The essay must be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. Point form will not be
accepted. It must be double-spaced, utilize 12-point Times New Roman font, and saved in
Microsoft Word, Apple Pages or as a PDF.
You are required to utilize a minimum of three, (3) academic resources (e.g peer-reviewed
journal articles, books or book chapters) from the University of Manitoba Libraries or similar
source to support your discussions.
Please Note: All your citations cannot come from one source. Use one from a book
chapter, one from a journal article, and one from a book, for example.
Essays must use the American Psychological Association’s (APA) guidelines for in-text
citations and references. Please see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (7th Edition) and the resources at the links below for specific details.
Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management Library Guide
Kinesiology and Recreation Management – Citing
U of M Guide for APA Publication Manual
APA Style (7th Edition) Handouts & Guides
APA Style (7th Edition) – Common Reference Examples Guide
Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue OWL) – APA Style
Submitting your Assignment:
Submit your assignment to UMLearn, in the appropriate assignment folder under the
“Assessments” on the navigation bar. Please Note: Before submitting your assignment,
please save it with a filename that starts with your last name followed by your first initial
and the name of the assignment. For example – Gay K Leisure Profile