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Company supporting the Human Resources department.

  Step 1: Choose a scenario You’ve landed a job as a technical writer for a large company supporting the Human Resources department. Your new supervisor
The post Company supporting the Human Resources department. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Step 1: Choose a scenario
You’ve landed a job as a technical writer for a large company supporting the Human Resources department. Your new supervisor has asked you to examine the types of jobs in your field that are posted on major job-seeker websites, such as Indeed.com Links to an external site.and LinkedIn. Links to an external site.The purpose of your report is to present the top three to five job roles you find.
You have decided to work as a freelance writer, and a client approaches you to prepare a report in which you identify and briefly summarize the major scientific journals in your field. The purpose of the report is to inform the client of the top three to five journals you find and your rationale for choosing them.
You have taken a job as a writer for a trade publication or magazine in your field. Your editor has asked you to write a short article about the historical shifts in the field over the last several decades. The purpose of the article is to provide a historical context to the readership giving them a brief overview of the three to five most important changes that have occurred in the field.

The post Company supporting the Human Resources department. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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