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International Trade and Data Management

International Trade and Data Management

Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services

Word Count : 3800 words

Learning outcomes:  

This coursework assesses your achievement of module learning outcomes. To pass, you must show that you are able to:

Examine the impact of finance and financial decisions on the management of supply chains and their component businessesCritically Analyse financial risk management techniques.

Coursework overview Section:

Tasks :

PART A Reflect critically upon the current international trade context

PART B Consider the impact of complex administrative processes on international trade and data management

Assessment for International Trade 

International Trade competitiveness is determined by national trade policies, infrastructure and technology. With increasing integration of global trade through the mechanism of global value chains (GVCs), the World Economic Forum published a report on Enabling Trade Index, using 7 pillars of competencies underpinned by the key determinants of trade competitiveness. In the latest report (2016), Singapore ranked FIRST. 

Using key concepts underpinning international trade competitiveness, and with the support of secondary data, you are required to address the following questions: 

1) Examine Singapore’s performance in Trade Competitiveness in respect of enabling trade. 

2) Drawing on Singapore’s position as an important transhipment hub, discuss the challenges facing Singapore in maintain this performance 

Guidance notes: 

Expected to use data from the Enabling Trade Index Report, Logistics Performance Index LPI, Liner Shipping Connectivity Index and Trading across Borders report. 

Only use other secondary data from reliable sources including journal articles, industry reports, UNCTAD, the World Bank, WTO to substantiate your argument. 

Focus the discussion and analysis on the concept(s) or driver(s) most significant to your main argument, and NOT on all concepts and drivers. The use of tables to summarise data or data sources is highly recommended. 

Word count: 1800 words excluding references, cover page, tables and graphs.

Work must be referenced thoroughly using the Harvard referencing system.

PART B: Assessment for Decision Making

Write a background to your research questions with references to relevant academic publications. Write one research question and three research objectives that is relevant to your degree programme that you could realistically investigate.

Discuss how you would use the research analysis method(s) of the following to address your research question

· Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

· Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)

· Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM)

· Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)

Word count: 2000 words excluding references, cover page, tables and graphs. The word count must be stated clearly on the cover page of your submission.

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The post International Trade and Data Management appeared first on Krita Infomatics.


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