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Instructions 1. Review Supplemental Readings available at the end of Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Chapters 1 and 2 of the text book to help develop opinions and arguments for the research paper. These provide credible sources both for and against CSR. 2. Using the course textbook and other credible articles of your choosing, develop an opinion for or against CSR. 3. You may like to choose only one “side” and defend it. 4. Also identify and address your a


1. Review Supplemental Readings available at the end of Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Chapters 1 and 2 of the text book to help develop opinions and arguments for the research paper. These provide credible sources both for and against CSR.

2. Using the course textbook and other credible articles of your choosing, develop an opinion for or against CSR.

3. You may like to choose only one “side” and defend it.

4. Also identify and address your argument’s opposing side. How do you defend your opinion against those with opposing views?

5. Conduct research to support your opinion.

a. Use a range of sources from the textbook, supplemental readings, articles and journals.

b. Use a minimum of two companies as examples to support your opinion.

6. Write a research paper in which you evaluate your opinion for and against CSR. The essay should

a. be approximately 1500 words (+/- 200 words);

b. begin with a concise abstract (1-2 paragraph overview to the topic, research conducted, and conclusions);

c. use sound research to support the analysis and equally sound reasoning in arguing your opinion as well as addressing the opposing opinion;

d. summarize your findings in a concise conclusion;

e. be supported by a minimum of eight credible sources (and at least five of these must be peer reviewed academic journal articles); and

f. use APA style formatting in the organization and referencing of your research.


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