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How do the informatics skills you are now developing and expanding upon help you meet current informatics skills levels?

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The AACN/QSEN collaborative efforts provided more detail when it identified expected competencies for master’s-prepared nurses in all six areas of QSEN focus (quality, safety, teamwork and collaboration, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, and informatics) as well as knowledge and related skills and attitudes.


1. How do the informatics skills you are now developing and expanding upon help you meet current informatics skills levels?

2. Provide some examples from your work setting.


3. How did the TANIC self-assessment change your impression of your current informatics skill levels?

The post How do the informatics skills you are now developing and expanding upon help you meet current informatics skills levels? appeared first on College Pal. Visit us at College Pal – Connecting to a pal for your paper


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