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1. Discuss the classical curriculum of the American colonial colleges, Charles Elliot’s overhaul of undergraduate education through the elective system, and the Yale Report of 1828. Then provide a brief statement on how and why higher education curriculum began changing so drastically in the mid-1850s. 2. Discuss the pressures on the American professoriate and the changes that happened, during the 1860 – 1960s. Provide a brief statement concerning how and why the autonomy of the professorate eroded during this period and include a brief statement about tenure and how discipline specialization was important for academic research and graduate programs during this period.

1. Discuss the classical curriculum of the American colonial colleges, Charles Elliot’s overhaul of undergraduate education through the elective system, and the Yale Report of 1828. Then provide a brief statement on how and why higher education curriculum began changing so drastically in the mid-1850s.

2. Discuss the pressures on the American professoriate and the changes that happened, during the 1860 – 1960s. Provide a brief statement concerning how and why the autonomy of the professorate eroded during this period and include a brief statement about tenure and how discipline specialization was important for academic research and graduate programs during this period.


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