1. Explain: Briefly define both motivation and time management in your own words using your new
knowledge; be sure to include citations. Next, explain the theoretical background and/or research behind
using different time management strategies (name at least two) and how they connect to an individual’s
motivation, academic achievement and/or obtaining academic goals. Be sure to include APA formatted
citations for the research to back up these statements (remember to cite research articles, NOT lecture
or instructor.)
2. Develop an Example & Relate to the Research: Explain what time management strategies you used in
school in the beginning of the quarter and how well it worked for you, or if you did not use any explain how
that impacted your ability to meet goals/deadlines. Now explain how the strategies we learned in class and
in the readings impacted you. Remember to relate your example to a theory you learned about in this class,
be sure to include citations from related research articles.
3. Apply: Pick your favorite time management strategy that you’ve learned about from our readings/class
videos and explain in detail how you plan to apply it to your future study goals. (In your new example, name
the specific topic of the class, what the task in that class you will use it on, what you would specifically do to
increase time management to tackle that task, and why you think it would work or improve your motivation
based on what you now know about time management theory from class). (Writing Hint – this could be
aimed at time management to complete a large upcoming project or complete assignments you otherwise
avoid, etc.)