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write a Summary of the peer-reviewed article you found and your argument of either pro or con. Basically, briefly summarize the research and any supported arguments you would make as either a “pro” or a “con” side of the issue & support this with evidence. Make sure you include how does this research relate to your perspective? You can also include things like: What cause/effect relationships were stated or implied by the author? Are there any reasons to believe the writers are biased? Did you find evidence of other logical errors on the part of the author? What fallacies of question-framing are made by the authors?

write a Summary of the peer-reviewed article you found and your argument of either pro or con. Basically, briefly summarize the research and any supported arguments you would make as either a “pro” or a “con” side of the issue & support this with evidence. Make sure you include how does this research relate to your perspective? You can also include things like:

What cause/effect relationships were stated or implied by the author?
Are there any reasons to believe the writers are biased?
Did you find evidence of other logical errors on the part of the author?
What fallacies of question-framing are made by the authors?


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