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Select two organizational leadership-related studies: one qualitative and one quantitative, that describe variables that affect employees’ organizational commitment. Describe the two research approaches that are applied in these two studies. Provide a comparative assessment/critique of the two approaches by describing the advantages and problems of each approach in each study. The paper has the following sections: 1. Introduction- State the overview of the paper and its purpose. 2. Qualitative Study- Describe the study, including

Select two organizational leadership-related studies: one qualitative and one quantitative, that describe variables that affect employees’ organizational commitment. Describe the two research approaches that are applied in these two studies.  Provide a comparative assessment/critique of the two  approaches by describing the advantages and problems of each approach in each study.The paper has the following sections:1. … Read more

Describe Positive Behavior Support (PBS). Is it behavior analysis? Why or why not? Explain Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). Describe Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SW-PBIS). Compare and contrast PBS to behavior analysis and identify which specific theories of behavior analysis are at work in PBS. Discuss whether it is possible for something based on principles of behavior analysis to be behavior analytic and backed by sufficient evidence

  Describe Positive Behavior Support (PBS).Is it behavior analysis? Why or why not?Explain Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS).Describe Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SW-PBIS).Compare and contrast PBS to behavior analysis and identify which specific theories of behavior analysis are at work in PBS.Discuss whether it is possible for something based on principles of … Read more

. Explain: Briefly define both motivation and time management in your own words using your new knowledge; be sure to include citations. Next, explain the theoretical background and/or research behind using different time management strategies (name at least two) and how they connect to an individual’s motivation, academic achievement and/or obtaining academic goals. Be sure to include APA formatted citations for the research to back up these statements (remember to cite research articles, NOT lecture or instructor.)

1. Explain: Briefly define both motivation and time management in your own words using your newknowledge; be sure to include citations. Next, explain the theoretical background and/or research behindusing different time management strategies (name at least two) and how they connect to an individual’smotivation, academic achievement and/or obtaining academic goals. Be sure to include APA … Read more

Write two questions—one emerging from the assigned reading and one from other class content? Why are these questions important or interesting to you? Paragraph 2: What is the most important, surprising, interesting or concerning teaching or practice that you learned from the reading, PowerPoint, lecture notes, audio lecture or video? Why? Paragraph 3: How might the weekly reading/content be relevant to your own life and/or cultural or religious context? In other words, how would your life transform if you incorporated one of the teachings or practices in your daily life? Be specific and use examples.

Write two questions—one emerging from the assigned reading and one from other class content? Why are these questions important or interesting to you?Paragraph 2: What is the most important, surprising, interesting or concerning teaching or practice that you learned from the reading, PowerPoint, lecture notes, audio lecture or video? Why?Paragraph 3: How might the weekly … Read more

Explain the role of social media for recruiting in the field of healthcare. Identify at least two benefits and two challenges of using social media for recruiting in the field of healthcare. Explain whether you think social media should be part of the recruiting process. Explain the role of social media for hiring in the healthcare field. Identify at least two benefits and two challenges of using social media for hiring in the] healthcare field. Explain whether you think social media should be part of the hiring process. Provide a brief explanation of your personal social media presence. Explain, from the perspective of an HR professional reviewing your online profile in relation to a job application, what their perception of your social media presence might be. Explain at least two things you could do to improve the professionalism of your social media profile. Be specific.

Explain the role of social media for recruiting in the field of healthcare.Identify at least two benefits and two challenges of using social media for recruiting in the field of healthcare.Explain whether you think social media should be part of the recruiting process.Explain the role of social media for hiring in the healthcare field.Identify at … Read more

Based on your current understanding of Faster Computing’s business, what are some potential benefits of Linux? • The company is aware that many different Linux distributions exist. Which would Go2Linux recommend, and why? • Are there graphical interfaces available for the Linux workstations that would provide similar functionality to Windows? Some users are concerned about working with a command-line interface. • What steps will be required to migrate the systems from Windows to Linux? •What tools a

Based on your current understanding of Faster Computing’s business, what are some potential benefits of Linux?• The company is aware that many different Linux distributions exist. Which would Go2Linux recommend, and why?• Are there graphical interfaces available for the Linux workstations that would provide similar functionality to Windows? Some users are concerned about working with … Read more

Submit your reflection on how you feel the activities helped you achieve the weekly learning goals (below). Explain how the time value of money works and discuss why it is such an important concept in finance. (CLO4) Calculate the present value and future value of lump sums. (CLO4) Identify the different types of annuities, calculate the present value and future value of both an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, and calculate the relevant annuity payment. (CLO4) Calculate the present value and future value of an uneven cash flow stream. (CLO4) Explain the difference between nominal, periodic,

Submit your reflection on how you feel the activities helped you achieve the weekly learning goals (below).Explain how the time value of money works and discuss why it is such an important concept in finance.(CLO4)Calculate the present value and future value of lump sums.(CLO4)Identify the different types of annuities, calculate the present value and future … Read more

compose a double-spaced 2-4 page rhetorical analysis of the text “Only Daughter” by Sandra Cisneros. A rhetorical analysis explains how a writer uses specific rhetorical strategies to move their audience for some particular purpose. In this module, you’ve read three texts, all of which are written to particular audiences with specific goals in mind. You will select one of those texts to analyze. Your rhetorical analysis essay should answer the following central question: “What is the writer’s goal in the given text, and what rhetorical strategies does the writer use to accomplish that goal?” The following question set

compose a double-spaced 2-4 page rhetorical analysis of the text “Only Daughter” by Sandra Cisneros. Arhetorical analysis explains how a writer uses specific rhetorical strategies to move their audience for some particular purpose. In this module, you’ve read three texts, all of which are written to particular audiences with specific goals in mind. You will … Read more

Discuss how this institution is ideally designed to work, and compare this with how it actually works. Also, consider the advantages and disadvantages of how this institution is structured and operates. Finally, discover and share a fact about your selected institution that you believe societal members may not know. You will also need to select a country outside of the United States, and examine the same phenomenon. Once again, you will follow the a

Discuss how this institution is ideally designed to work, and compare this with how it actually works. Also, consider the advantages and disadvantages of how this institution is structured and operates. Finally, discover and share a fact about your selected institution that you believe societal members may not know. You will also need to select … Read more

dentify at least one country-level factors or variable that you believe, based on the existing literature, might correlate (negatively or positively) with generalized trust. State a formal hypothesis for the independent variables Be sure to devote space to explaining what logic or evidence leads you to hypothesize that factor is likely to correlate with generalized trust. Write at least two paragraphs introducing and explaining the logic of each hypothesis; many hypotheses will likely require more than one hypothesis. Cite relevant literature. Be sure to discuss relevant counter-arguments if they exist, and why you believe, at this stage of the project, that these counter-arguments are less likely to be correct than your hypothesis.

dentify at least one country-level factors or variable that you believe, based on the existing literature, might correlate (negatively or positively) with generalized trust. State a formal hypothesis for the independent variables Be sure to devote space to explaining what logic or evidence leads you to hypothesize that factor is likely to correlate with generalized … Read more


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