Research is typically explained or supported by a theoretical framework. In the theoretical framework section of your Applied Research Report (and this Literature Review Outline Assignment), you will identify a key theory that supports your study. To select a theory for your theoretical framework, research the prevalent theories for educational research to find one that supports your proposed study. Examples of well-established theories include Maslow’s (1954) hierarchy of needs, Vygotsky’s (1969) social constructivism, Knowles’ (1980) adult learning theory, and Keller’s (2008) theory of motivation, volition, and performance. Please refer to Chapter 7 of the
LITERATURE REVIEW OUTLINE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW An outline is a critical component of your literature review. This is an essential step that should not be skipped. The purpose of this assignment is to help you organize the theoretical framework and narrative sections of your literature review in a logical manner. INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you … Read more