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Preparation for Final Paper Each student will work research, write, and present a research paper. You will apply in an actual or hypothetical scenario the framework learned from one of the topics stu Preparation for Final Paper Each student will work research, write, and present a research paper. You will apply in an actual or hypothetical scenario the framework learned from one of the topics studied during class. The student will have to cite the class literature as well as to have at least 4 other resources that will support her or him in the development of its research paper. This project requires each student to:1. Writ

Preparation for Final Paper Each student will work research, write, and present a research paper. You will apply in an actual or hypothetical scenario the framework learned from one of the topics stu Preparation for Final Paper Each student will work research, write, and present a research paper. You will apply in an actual or … Read more

Part 1 of the video Describe the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion and provide examples of how each of these areas can be addressed by the health promotion initiative you have developed to address the public health issue in your community. You will need to mention how you will evaluate this initiative. Provide a short introduction to the team and topic, keep this short and concise. Briefly explain why you chose this particular issue from your community health needs assessment (Assignm

Assignment Task Course Learning Outcomes Assessed This assessment supports the following learning outcomes: CLO1 Identify and describe models of primary and community nursing practice CLO3 Develop resources and skill to understand multicultural health care needs in assessment and intervention CLO6 Analyse the concepts of health promotion and education that guide nurses in primary care practice and activity Assessment … Read more

Assignment Task In this exercise you should write a code to load, analyse and create data visualisations for energy market in Australia in 2020. The data set includes multiple CSV files containing the information about electricity demand and wholesale electricity prices in five Australian states (NSW, QLD, Vic, SA, TAS) in 2020. WA is not a part of Australian energy market, so it is not included in the analysis. Each file has information about one month, so there are 12 files per year per each of 5 states – in total, there are 60 files. The data were downloaded from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) All data files have the same structure with the following variables: • REGION – state name.

Assignment Task In this exercise you should write a code to load, analyse and create data visualisations for energy market in Australia in 2020. The data set includes multiple CSV files containing the information about electricity demand and wholesale electricity prices in five Australian states (NSW, QLD, Vic, SA, TAS) in 2020. WA is not … Read more

Assignment Task Purpose Transitioning to professional practice is a critical phase for the novice Registered Nurse. Managing professional role requirements, organisational technologies and team dynamics while on shift can be challenging. This is often accompanied by changed personal circumstances, with graduates balancing shift work, working full time and socialization with friends and family. The case study identifies potential challenges for new graduates and provides opportunity to propose evidence-based recommendations to address these problems. Written assignment/Case study addressing potential challenges for new graduates and providing opportunity to propose evidence-based recommendations to address these problems. Task Harry appears to be struggling during his clinical shift. He also seems to be having difficulty maintaining a work/life balance. Critically analyse the provided case study to answer all of the following three questions within an essay format: 1. Determine and justify whether the graduate RN met (or did not meet) their role and responsibilities as an RN during this shift. Provide at least two (2) case study examples and support your discussion using evidence, in

Assignment Task Purpose Transitioning to professional practice is a critical phase for the novice Registered Nurse. Managing professional role requirements, organisational technologies and team dynamics while on shift can be challenging. This is often accompanied by changed personal circumstances, with graduates balancing shift work, working full time and socialization with friends and family. The case … Read more

Assignment Task READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY Give the main results in latex typed assignment referring to the table outputs from STATA. The latex le should import tables generated through the STATA code and saved in latex format. Do not manually copy paste the tables. Please send the completed outputs over email (4 outputs- latex pdf and tex file, tex tables, one graph file, do file). Q1. Refer to the National Sample Survey data on employment and unemployment round (2004) and answer the below questions. Based on the data provided compute the following statistics for the population: Compute the marginal distribution of caste (SC/ST/OB

Assignment Task READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY Give the main results in latex typed assignment referring to the table outputs from STATA. The latex le should import tables generated through the STATA code and saved in latex format. Do not manually copy paste the tables. Please send the completed outputs over email (4 outputs- latex pdf … Read more

Assignment Task Task Detail Health literacy discussion Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care, and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it. Health literacy is important because it shapes people’s health and the safety and quality of health care (WHO). As an interdisciplinary team member you will develop a health education literacy plan, audio PowerPoint to present to colleagues of the primary healthcare team. This is an education package to inform staff of the current status of the global health concern within a country/community.

Assignment Task Task Detail Health literacy discussion Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care, and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it. Health literacy is important because it shapes people’s health and the safety and quality of health care … Read more

Assignment Task Assignment Dataset Attribute Description 1. Age: age of person 2. Job: type of job 3. Marital: marital status 4. Education: education level 5. Default: credit in default 6. Housing: housing loan 7. Loan: personal loan 8. Contact: contact communication type 9. Month: last contact month of year 10. day_of_week: last contact day of the week 11. Duration: last contact duration 12. Campaign: number of contacts performed during the campaign 13. pdays: number of days that passed by after the client was last contacted from a previous campaign 14. Previous: number of contacts performed before the campaign 15. poutcome: outcome of the previous marketing campaign 16. emp.var.rate: employment variation rate – quarterly indicator 17. cons.price.idx: consumer price index – monthly indicator 18. cons.conf.idx: consumer confidence index – monthly indicator 19. euribor3m: euribor 3 month rate – daily indicator 20. nr.employed: number of employees – quarterly indicator 21. Subscribed – subscribed a term deposit Note: Missing Attribute Values: There are several missing values in the attributes, all coded with the “unknown” label.

Assignment Task Assignment Dataset Attribute Description 1. Age: age of person 2. Job: type of job 3. Marital: marital status 4. Education: education level 5. Default: credit in default 6. Housing: housing loan 7. Loan: personal loan 8. Contact: contact communication type 9. Month: last contact month of year 10. day_of_week: last contact day of the week 11. Duration: last contact duration 12. Campaign: number of contacts … Read more

Assignment Task Linear Programming — Leadership in Business Alex Matteo is a forma partner of a professional accounting firm who values education. Alex is concerned about the prospects of the current generation because they have not had the same opportunities to socialise and network with other students and with industry during their studies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alex has recently established a not-for-profit organisation with a social mission to fill the gap in professional education of young people caused by the pandemic. The organisation is called Leadership in Business and its rust major event will be a conference, primarily, for high school students. The conference is an in-person event, with a career fair and industry speakers covering a range of topics related to developing wor

Assignment Task Linear Programming — Leadership in Business Alex Matteo is a forma partner of a professional accounting firm who values education. Alex is concerned about the prospects of the current generation because they have not had the same opportunities to socialise and network with other students and with industry during their studies due to … Read more

Assignment Task Case Study Task: Refer to the following case and answer the associated questions. Case: John is a 35- year-old male who was referred to a neurologist by his doctor. About 5 years ago, he suffered a concussion as a result from a fall from a ladder. John works as a painter. John did not experience any further neurological problems until about 2 weeks ago when he reported experiencing a strange sensation, followed by a tonic-clonic seizure lasting around a minute. The neurologist diagn

Assignment Task Case Study Task: Refer to the following case and answer the associated questions. Case: John is a 35- year-old male who was referred to a neurologist by his doctor. About 5 years ago, he suffered a concussion as a result from a fall from a ladder. John works as a painter. John did not … Read more

International Advanced Certificate in Anti Money Laundering Assignment Two

International Advanced Certificate in Anti Money Laundering Assignment Two Submission due date: 9th January 2023 Please read through the following guidance notes before writing your assignment. Submitting your assignment 1. Please collate your assignment as a single document in a Microsoft Word format. 2. Save the assignment as your candidate ID number, e.g. CON-000123456. 3. … Read more


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