Since the COVID-19 restrictions impacted on the students and teaching staff, SAIBT has reviewed their online resources for new and existing students to enable the variations in teaching and learning. The provision of hybrid classes to enable students unable to attend face to face lectures means the cohort remains as integrated as possible regardless of the students’ location. Additional resources discussed related to the provision of student directed assistance through Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS). This was available to students at SAIBT but was not readily available to students in the online environment. PASS enables stude
INFS 1026 – Systems Requirements and User Experience (SRUX) Team Task. Weighting: 40% Date Due: Monday Week 13 Word Count: “Equivalent” to 2000 words Assignment 2 202203 Instructions This task is to be done in groups which must have been approved by your tutor. Assignment feedback will be returned to you within two weeks of … Read more