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Since the COVID-19 restrictions impacted on the students and teaching staff, SAIBT has reviewed their online resources for new and existing students to enable the variations in teaching and learning. The provision of hybrid classes to enable students unable to attend face to face lectures means the cohort remains as integrated as possible regardless of the students’ location. Additional resources discussed related to the provision of student directed assistance through Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS). This was available to students at SAIBT but was not readily available to students in the online environment. PASS enables stude

INFS 1026 – Systems Requirements and User Experience (SRUX) Team Task. Weighting: 40% Date Due: Monday Week 13 Word Count: “Equivalent” to 2000 words Assignment 2 202203 Instructions This task is to be done in groups which must have been approved by your tutor. Assignment feedback will be returned to you within two weeks of … Read more

As we know, criminal conduct may be excused if the defendant was “legally insane” (or was not “criminally responsible”) at the time of the offense. In order to be found legally insane, the defendant must prove that, as a result of mental disease, he or she was functionally impaired in a legally relevant way at the time of the offense. Read the article by Kinscherff (2010). What if the crime was minor (like theft?) What if the crime was severe (like murder?) Should someone be excused from some criminal acts due to their personality disorder At issue in this article is whether a personality disorder should be permitted to nullify or reduce responsibility for a criminal act

As we know, criminal conduct may be excused if the defendant was “legally insane” (or was not “criminally responsible”) at the time of the offense. In order to be found legally insane, the defendant must prove that, as a result of mental disease, he or she was functionally impaired in a legally relevant way at … Read more

Imagine you have been asked to write an article for a peer-reviewed journal on advocating for social justice for a specific population. Select one of the following populations to write about: Race, ethnicity, and culture Gender Sexual orientation Age discrimination Child welfare Economic status

Imagine you have been asked to write an article for a peer-reviewed journal on advocating for social justice for a specific population. Select one of the following populations to write about: Race, ethnicity, and culture Gender Sexual orientation Age discrimination Child welfare Economic status Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word journal article on social justice advocacy … Read more

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Contemporary Debates in Criminology assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes:

Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Contemporary Debates in Criminology assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: … Read more

You will be required to write a 2500-word essay on Leadership in Paramedic practice in relation to your experience and role as an apprentice paramedic. The essay is broadly split into three parts. Firstly, you will need to critically Analyse and reflect on how knowledge of leadership theories may enhance your role as a leader. You must explore leadership theories, the scope of practice, and the ability to adapt, delegate and deliver person-centred care. This can be in response to single or multiple care episodes. LO2 Secondly, you must i

You will be required to write a 2500-word essay on Leadership in Paramedic practice in relation to your experience and role as an apprentice paramedic.The essay is broadly split into three parts.Firstly, you will need to critically Analyse and reflect on how knowledge of leadership theories may enhance your role as a leader. You must … Read more

POWER POIN PRESENTATION •   Individual task that consists in analyze the supply chain for the company Alstom S.A.. and prepare an action plan to tackle each part of the SWOT analysis. •   The format of the presentation is a power point that you will present in class. The duration of the presentation is 5 minutes. • Formalities: •   15 slides with detail (not just bullet points) •   Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount. •   Font: Arial 12,5 pts. •   Text alignment: Justified. •   The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

POWER POIN PRESENTATION   Individual task that consists in analyze the supply chain for the company Alstom S.A.. and prepare an action plan to tackle each part of the SWOT analysis.   The format of the presentation is a power point that you will present in class. The duration of the presentation is 5 minutes. … Read more

Continuing with the marketing plan you developed for the Midterm Assessment, complete it with according with the topics discussed in class during the 2nd part of the course with following points (but not exclusively) About a chipboard Distribution Channels: Markets with direct sales (if any) Markets with distributors (if any) Markets with agents (if any) Pricing Strategy:

Continuing with the marketing plan you developed for the Midterm Assessment, complete it with according with the topics discussed in class during the 2nd part of the course with following points (but not exclusively) About a chipboard Distribution Channels: Markets with direct sales (if any) Markets with distributors (if any) Markets with agents (if any) … Read more

Building Relationships Essay Compose a research-based essay focusing on teacher, student, and family relationships. Be sure to answer the questions for each bullet point completely. There should be separate sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that lets your professor know which bullet you are addressing in that section. Explain and give examples of

Building Relationships Essay Compose a research-based essay focusing on teacher, student, and family relationships. Be sure to answer the questions for each bullet point completely. There should be separate sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that lets your professor know which bullet you are addressing … Read more

OPTION A: Part 01: Please download the attachment ‘MPI 01.tar.gz’ (Attached the file) and complete the following questions. Q1: Understand the source code for each of the following five programs. Compile, run and paste one output sequence for each program. (a) MPI-Hello.c (b) Ring-Example-1.c (c) Ring-Example-2.c (d) Ring-Example-3.c (e) Send-Receive.c Part 02: Please download the attachment ‘MPI-02.tar.gz’ (Attached the file) and comple

OPTION A:   Part 01:  Please download the attachment ‘MPI 01.tar.gz’ (Attached the file) and complete the following questions. Q1: Understand the source code for each of the following five programs. Compile, run and paste one output sequence for each program.             (a) MPI-Hello.c     (b) Ring-Example-1.c     (c) Ring-Example-2.c                              (d) Ring-Example-3.c             (e) Send-Receive.c   Part 02:  Please download the … Read more

Directions for Part 4 View the Direct Care Project Part 4 Tutorial (Click here to view) G>_. Download the Direct Care Part 4: Evaluating the Project template Gather the information from the surveys and attendance form. Complete the template with the following: Attendance form data Include names, titles, and organization Tables of results PRE-Survey and POST-Survey results in numerical form Interpretation of results Summarize data in the tables

Directions for Part 4 1.     View the Direct Care Project Part 4 Tutorial (Click here to view) G>_. 2.     Download the Direct Care Part 4: Evaluating the Project template below. 3.     Gather the information from the surveys and attendance form. 4.     Complete the template with the following: a.     Attendance form data i.     Include names, titles, … Read more


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