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Design a training session presentation (8-12 slides) for one of the role groups in the organization that will be responsible for implementation. Introduction Training and educating those within an organization who are responsible for implementing and working with changes in organizational policy is a critical step in ensuring that prescribed changes have their intended benefit. A leader in a health care profession must be able to apply effective leadership, management, and educational strategies to ensure that colleagues and subordinates will be prepared to do the work that is asked of them. As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may be asked to design training sessions to help ensure the smooth implementation of any number of initiatives in your health care setting. The ability to create an agenda that will ensure your training goals will be met and will fit into the allotted ti

Design a training session presentation (8-12 slides) for one of the role groups in the organization that will be responsible for implementation. Introduction Training and educating those within an organization who are responsible for implementing and working with changes in organizational policy is a critical step in ensuring that prescribed changes have their intended benefit. … Read more

Topic: Management Styles in Service Operations Recall the 3 difference management styles (Messiah, Servant, or Commander). Write an analysis of the management style in 1 real-life service firm that is Costco. How does management measure “success”? Does management emphasize quality in the way espoused by Juran? Are the concepts of the serviceprofit chain used? Would they be appropriate? What specific improvements do you believe are possible?

Large assignment   The references can be in any style, but they should include all your sources, including personal interviews, if any. Your work should indicate a depth and breadth of research in the topic. Many of the options below could be satisfied by “telling a story” – but the story should be augmented by … Read more

A forensic unit within a federal crime lab has been tasked with the investigation of an individual who is suspected of the manufacturing, transportation, and sale of illegal fireworks explosives. Upon responding to a fire at the suspect’s house, firefighters discover 2.5 tons of explosives, and therefore, put out the fire from a distance. When investigators arrive on the scene, several networked computers, PDAs, cell phones, and laptops are found in an upstairs office. As junior investigators,

CRJS A forensic unit within a federal crime lab has been tasked with the investigation of an individual who is suspected of the manufacturing, transportation, and sale of illegal fireworks explosives. Upon responding to a fire at the suspect’s house, firefighters discover 2.5 tons of explosives, and therefore, put out the fire from a distance. When … Read more

Reflect on your own journey of cultural competency, including the concepts and experiences addressed in this course. Address the following four objectives and express your personal level of achievement of each objective: Explore your own cultural identity and heritage and confront biases and stereotypes. Develop an awareness and understanding of the complexities of the modern healthcare delivery system – its philosophy and problems, biases, and stereotypes. Develop a keen awareness of the socialization process that brings the provider into this complex system.

Reflect on your own journey of cultural competency, including the concepts and experiences addressed in this course. Address the following four objectives and express your personal level of achievement of each objective: Explore your own cultural identity and heritage and confront biases and stereotypes. Develop an awareness and understanding of the complexities of the modern healthcare … Read more

Examine Case Study: A Middle-Aged Caucasian Man With Anxiety. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. At each deci

Examine Case Study: A Middle-Aged Caucasian Man With Anxiety. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. … Read more

Imagine that you have received the following e-mail from your boss about a month after they adopted your departmental plan outlined in the previous assessment. HR E-mail [PDF]: Use this e-mail from your boss as the basis for this assessment. Instructions Create an approximately 5-minute presentation with voice narration targeted to your staff and leadership that effectively responds to your boss’s request found in the e-mail. Your presentation should demonstrate leadership qualities such as composure, preparation, solid communication, thoughtfulness, et cetera. The presentation should also:

Create an approximately 5-minute presentation to staff and leadership on your planned response to emerging human resources issues. Introduction The assessments in this course build upon one another and must be completed in the order presented. In the previous assessment, you planned, organized, and led. But what does it take to control your operation? What skills are … Read more

Create an abstract (100-250 words) and a poster for a presentation with voice-over for a quality improvement plan to executive-level leadership. Introduction TOPIC- DIABETES MELLITUS Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, it is recommended that you complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented. As a master’s-level nurse you will be responsible for promoting equitable quality of care. In the biopsychosocial model of care, there are a number of areas where you can have an impact on improving the quality, safety, and equitability of care. One example area where equitable quality of care is an issue is with medications, especially considering the cost of various medications to treat the same condition versus the effectiveness and potential side-effects of the medications. A further pharmacological concern for safe and quality care is medication errors. This could include considerations like a patient getting the wrong medication or a dangerous interacti

Create an abstract (100-250 words) and a poster for a presentation with voice-over for a quality improvement plan to executive-level leadership. Introduction TOPIC- DIABETES MELLITUS Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, it is recommended that you complete the assessments in this course in the … Read more

As a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) starting your telehealth business, write the following to your website to convince clients. 1, Introduce yourself 2, Description your job 3, Types of clients you will be helping or care fore 4, Types of mental disorders you will be caring fore

As a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) starting your telehealth business, write the following to your website to convince clients. 1, Introduce yourself 2, Description your job 3, Types of clients you will be helping or care fore 4, Types of mental disorders you will be caring fore 5, What motivate you to start … Read more

Task Students are required to develop a report addressing the specific exercises set out in the guideline below. Your report should be 2000-2500 words, excluding Title, Abstract, Table of contents. Bibliography and Appendices. Exercise 1. (50%) An important part of a production line has to be repaired. The industrial company is impacted by the stop of the production. Each day without producing costs the company $64 000. The maintenance team has only three possible options: Option 1 He can return the part to the supplier who has agreed to collect, repair, and return it for free. However, there is no compensation for any losses supported by the company because the machine is not working. The supplier will not agree to repair the machine if there has been a previous attempt to repair it. If the machine is returned, the supplier will guarantee to return it in working order in 5 days’ time.

Task Students are required to develop a report addressing the specific exercises set out in the guideline below. Your report should be 2000-2500 words, excluding Title, Abstract, Table of contents. Bibliography and Appendices. Exercise 1. (50%) An important part of a production line has to be repaired. The industrial company is impacted by the stop … Read more

Reflect on your own journey of cultural competency, including the concepts and experiences addressed in this course. Address the following four objectives and express your personal level of achievement of each objective: Explore your own cultural i

Reflect on your own journey of cultural competency, including the concepts and experiences addressed in this course. Address the following four objectives and express your personal level of achievement of each objective: Explore your own cultural identity and heritage and confront biases and stereotypes. Develop an awareness and understanding of the complexities of the modern healthcare … Read more


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