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Project Plan The student will begin with a description of the change model and why it was selected as the model for this specific change. The student should obtain the model from a primary source and ask permission to use the model. Evidence of model authorization should be added to the end of the proposal. The model, the student, selects should be appropriate to the recommended change (either individual change or organizational change). The student will present the model to describe the practice change that the student recommends, even if that is reinforcement and education regarding the status quo. The change pro

Project PlanThe student will begin with a description of the change model and why it was selected as the model for this specific change. The student should obtain the model from a primary source and ask permission to use the model. Evidence of model authorization should be added to the end of the proposal. The … Read more

Fro, the 1200s to 1500s the world became a place of increasing global encounters in many forms.Define the nature of those encounters, explain why they occurred, and indicate what some results of there were. Include Africa, Central Asia, and Europe.

Fro, the 1200s to 1500s the world became a place of increasing global encounters in many forms.Define the nature of those encounters, explain why they occurred, and indicate what some results of there were. Include Africa, Central Asia, and Europe.

Discuss unfunded mandates and provide examples of unfunded mandates that occurred in Arizona. What has been the impact? Also, discuss federal funding to states and provide examples of how the federal government exercises control in Arizona with funding. Consider issues such as education, criminal justice, traffic safety, etc.

Discuss unfunded mandates and provide examples of unfunded mandates that occurred in Arizona. What has been the impact? Also, discuss federal funding to states and provide examples of how the federal government exercises control in Arizona with funding. Consider issues such as education, criminal justice, traffic safety, etc.

Sandra is a 27-year-old female admitted with a possible Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). She smokes one pack per day and is on birth control. She has a history of hypertension and obesity. She is admitted to the hospital and placed on bedrest. Heparin drip is started per protocol. The Provider is anticipating on sending her home with Coumadin. Can Sandra be placed on Coumadin and Heparin at the same time? Explain your answer. Develop 3 teaching points important for Sandra to know about her medications regimen. What questions would you ask Sandra to verify that she understand the 3 teaching points?

Sandra is a 27-year-old female admitted with a possible Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). She smokes one pack per day and is on birth control. She has a history of hypertension and obesity. She is admitted to the hospital and placed on bedrest. Heparin drip is started per protocol. The Provider isanticipating on sending her home … Read more

With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees, many health care organizations are implementing technology such as self-help kiosks to reduce staffing. Describe both an advantage and a disadvantage to this practice and discuss how patients may perceive reductions in dedicated staffing

With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees, many health care organizations are implementing technology such as self-help kiosks to reduce staffing. Describe both an advantage and a disadvantage to this practice and discuss how patients may perceive reductions in dedicated staffing

Employee Engagement Executive Summary Scenario You have been recently hired as a Human Resources Specialist, who has been entrusted with employee training. Your first project is to evaluate the needs for training in order to improve employee engagement with a new, strategically aligned performance appraisal system. The company’s existing training methods include long and ambiguous training manuals. Due to the length and c

Employee Engagement Executive Summary ScenarioYou have been recently hired as a Human Resources Specialist, who has been entrusted with employee training. Your first project is to evaluate the needs for training in order to improve employee engagement with a new, strategically aligned performance appraisal system. The company’s existing training methods include long and ambiguous training … Read more

What are the most important differences between the recommendations of the Brownlow Committee, the Hoover Commissions, and the National Performance Review by Gore (1993)? You can find the information on the first two in the textbook. What is the main purpose of the government (the real business of government) according to Gore (1993)? Do you agree with this purpose? Why? Why not? The textbook states that the reinventing government movement that started with Gore’s (1993) report ended in 2000 when Gore lost the presidential election. In your opinion, and based on the reading of the report, what were the reasons that led to the failure of this movement? Pick one recommendation from Gore (1993) that you agree with and explain why. Pick one recommendation from Gore (1993) that you disagree with and explain why.

What are the most important differences between the recommendations of the Brownlow Committee, the Hoover Commissions, and the National Performance Review by Gore (1993)? You can find the information on the first two in the textbook.What is the main purpose of the government (the real business of government) according to Gore (1993)? Do you agree … Read more

After you read Political and Legal Factors that Impact International Trade (see attached) you will be tasked with writing an analysis of the article using the following outline: Summarize what you learned from the reading Identify the main political ideologies. What is capitalism? What is a planned economy? Compare and contrast the two forms of economic ideology discussed in the section. What are three policy areas in which governments can create rules and regulations in order to control, manage, and intervene in trade? Relevance – in the world today, how accurate and relevant are the author’s main points and conclusions? Utilization – how can you use what you have read? How can you incorporate what you have learned?

After you read Political and Legal Factors that Impact International Trade (see attached) you will be tasked with writing an analysis of the article using the following outline: Summarize what you learned from the readingIdentify the main political ideologies.What is capitalism?What is a planned economy?Compare and contrast the two forms of economic ideology discussed in … Read more

write as if you are the prescribing provider (NP) Review the following Materials at CDC Opioid Guidelines Opioid Basics -Understanding the Epidemic -Commonly Used Terms -Prescription Opioids Overdose Prevention -Improve Opioid Prescribing -Prevent Opioid Use Disorder -Treat Opioid Use Disorder -Reverse Overdose Write a reflection summary on the ethical issues of prescribing opioids. Locate and review 3 peer-reviewed articles related to ethical issues in prescribing opioids in primary care. Identify the ethical issues surrounding the use of opioids in managing pain Identify the ethical issues or dilemmas reviewed. Describe how you would address these issues in the primary care setting.

write as if you are the prescribing provider (NP) Review the following Materials at CDC Opioid GuidelinesOpioid Basics-Understanding the Epidemic-Commonly Used Terms-Prescription Opioids Overdose Prevention-Improve Opioid Prescribing-Prevent Opioid Use Disorder-Treat Opioid Use Disorder-Reverse Overdose Write a reflection summary on the ethical issues of prescribing opioids.Locate and review 3 peer-reviewed articles related to ethical issues in … Read more

Week 4 Discussion Board (DB). Initial post is due Tuesday, and two response posts are due Thursday. DBs are intended to help us have an open conversation together. This will require you to come to the DB ready to post a response to the question posed to the entire class, but also to read and respond to your classmates. Each DB will require an initial post (your response to the question) on Tuesday (11:59PM), and then to respond to two classmates by Thursday (11:59PM). This is not a place where you must have the exact right answer, but you should engage with your classmates on exploring possible ways of thinking about the question. The rules for DBs are Think carefully about the question and be ready to fully explain and justify your thoughts on the question. Initial posts should be about 100 words in length. Response posts should be about 25 words in length. Be kind and respectful when responding to your classmates. You do not have to agree with their thoughts, opinions, or beliefs, but you should able to disagree without anger or accusation. Week 4- Consider the ideal of Republican Motherhood. Explore how this impacted women’s roles in the family, but also how this opens educational opportunities for women. Answer the question-How did Republican Motherhood both help and hurt women’s opportunities in the new republic?

Week 4 Discussion Board (DB). Initial post is due Tuesday, and two response posts are due Thursday. DBs are intended to help us have an open conversation together. This will require you to come to the DB ready to post a response to the question posed to the entire class, but also to read and … Read more


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