Many students in higher education are now completing programs that are fully online and they may never step foot on a college campus. These students still require support services, including ways to simply feel connected to the school. Consider what support services are useful to online students and how the student affairs profession is adapting to this shift to distance education. Discuss a current issue related to supporting students who primarily attend college online. How can student affairs professionals support students who may be non-traditional learners and who have limited, if any, connection to the physical campus? Topics in this area may include but are not limited to online student connectedness, online student persistence, and non-traditional learners
Many students in higher education are now completing programs that are fully online and theymay never step foot on a college campus. These students still require support services, includingways to simply feel connected to the school. Consider what support services are useful to onlinestudents and how the student affairs profession is adapting to this shift … Read more