Subject Code : BEG609
Subject Title : Business Events in a Global Context
Word-length: 2000 words
Learning Outcomes:
Critically reflect upon the impact of major, hallmark and mega events on local, national and international economies and how they integrate with the hospitality industry.
Evaluate the role of key business event bodies and associations local, national and international perspectives.
Compare two (2) mega/major/hallmark events of the same genre (e.g. Oktoberfest and Carnivale; FIFA World-Cup & Olympics) held world-wide within the last five (5) years. The activity requires you to write an essay with a structure which covers the following inclusions.
Provide a brief background of your chosen events and target market. Are they mega, major or hallmark events and why, when, where and for whom were they held? Compare and discuss both events with respect to the:
Social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts (each)
The push and pull factors, plus destination images used to promote the event to target markets and audiences
Your recommendations for improvement of the events. If you were the organiser, what would be your recommendations based on your findings? Consider technological enhancements, venue, marketing strategies, event timing, sustainability, revenue etc.
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