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Knowledge Management

Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code:

Subject Name:
Knowledge Management

Assessment Title:
Knowledge Management in Today’s Organisations (Individual Report)

Assessment Type:
Individual Report

Word Count:
2000 Words (+/-10%)

40 %

Total Marks:

Via MyKBS (Turnitin)

Due Date:
Monday, Week 13 at 11.55pm

Subject Learning Outcomes

Analyse the effectiveness and implementation of technology-based knowledge management

Analyse ethical breaches that arise in the absence of knowledge management systems and how
these are alleviated in knowledge- rich environments.

Evaluate the knowledge management life cycle in a number of different contexts.

Your Task
Create an individual report that explores “Knowledge Management, Information Technology and ECommerce in today’s organisations with a focus on the influence and impact of the contemporary
Assessment Description
In your report you will identify, discuss, and analyse one current event (something that has occurred in
the last two years) that is linked to or has some impact on an organisation. You are to explore its
implications for the organisation’s use of Knowledge Management, Information Technology and ECommerce.
You will need to demonstrate the critical link between the internal and external organisational
environments and discuss problems and challenges that the current event may cause for the organisation
in their use of use of Knowledge Management, Information Technology and E-Commerce.
The source of the current events can be a Media Article, a TED Talk, a Radio or Television Interview etc.
There will be an opportunity to include information from the Industry Speaker (Week 6) that will be readily
available in the public domain (e.g. annual reports, ASX listing, business databases etc). You
MUST get
your Facilitators approval for your choice of event.
Your Report must include recommendations for dealing with the impact of the chosen current event on
the organisation. The recommendations made should show creativity while being feasible and must be
drawn from the discussion and analysis that you have undertaken in the Report.
You should include a minimum of 10 references (contemporary business articles, news items and/or
comparison websites).
Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.

Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences
of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point
at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click
here for this information.
Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline
Assessment Marking Guide

(Fail) 0
– 49

P (Pass)
50 – 64

CR (Credit)
65 – 74

DN (Distinction) 75 – 84
HD (High Distinction) 85 – 100

Demonstration of
Management theories
that support the
concepts identified in
current event
(8 Marks)

Your analysis lacks
depth, and your
interpretation does not
support the concepts
identified in current

You indicated a basic
analysis, but which lacked
depth, and your
interpretation did not
clearly support the
concepts identified in
current event

You indicated a good
level of analysis, and
your interpretation
clearly supported the
concepts identified in
current event

You indicated a very good level of
analysis, and your interpretation
clearly supported the concepts
identified in current event

You indicated an excellent level of
analysis, and your interpretation strongly
supported the concepts identified in
current event

Discussion of problems
and challenges that the
current event may
cause for the
organisation in their use
of use of KM
Information Technology
and E-Commerce
(8 Marks)

Minimal discussion of
problems and
challenges that the
current event may
cause for the
organisation in their
use of use of KM,
Technology and E

Adequate discussion of
problems and challenges
that the current event may
cause for the organisation
in their use of use of KM,
Information Technology
and E-Commerce but
more depth was required

Good discussion of
problems and challenges
that the current event
may cause for the
organisation in their use
of use of KM, Information
Technology and E

Very good discussion of problems
and challenges that the current event
may cause for the organisation in
their use of use of KM, Information
Technology and E-Commerce

Excellent discussion of problems and
challenges that the current event may
cause for the organisation in their use of
use of KM, Information Technology and

Demonstrated linkages
between the internal
and external
(7 Marks)

No real demonstrated
linkages between the
internal and external

Adequate demonstration
linkages between the
internal and external

Good, demonstrated
linkages between the
internal and external

Very good, demonstrated linkages
between the internal and external
organisational environments

Excellent identification of linkages
between the internal and external
organisational environments

Appropriate theory and
research used to
answer question posed
(8 Marks)

Inappropriate and
outdated theory and
research used

Adequate theory and
research used; Some
research dated. Met
minimum standards.

Good theory and
research used from an
appropriate range of
scholarly sources.

Very good quality and in-depth theory
and research used; current and
thorough. Used a range of scholarly

Excellent and current theory and
research used with a quality selection
and range of scholarly sources. Depth of
research exceeded expectations.

Conclusions and
(7 Marks)

The quality of your
recommendations is
poor and/or

You have drawn some
useful recommendations
although a more
comprehensive conclusion
would have been helpful.

You have drawn mostly
useful recommendations
and conclusions.

You have drawn varied, well
researched and compelling

You have drawn extremely dynamic,
comprehensive and convincing
recommendations that can be
implemented easily within the

Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline

Answer clearly and
logically presented
written in an academic
style References follow
KBS Harvard Style
(2 Marks)

Answer not clearly or
logically presented.
Not written in an
academic style
References follow
KBS Harvard Style

Answer clearly and
logically presented but
needs more detail. Written
in an academic style
References follow KBS
Harvard Style but needs

Answer clearly and
logically presented with
good detail. Written in an
academic style.
References follow KBS
Harvard Style but with
minor improvements

Answer clearly and logically
presented with very good detail.
Written in a good academic style
References follows KBS Harvard

Answer clearly and logically presented
with excellent detail. Written in an
excellent academic style. References
follow KBS Harvard Style



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