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Web Application Development

COMP229– Web Application Development
Assignment 1
Express Portfolio Site
Due: Week 4 (Friday October 9, 2020) @ midnight
Value 15%
Express Portfolio Site Maximum Mark: 100
Overview: Create your Personal Portfolio Website using ExpressJS and implementing the EJS templating
. Your site must be hosted live on a cloud service such as Microsoft Azure, Heroku, or Digital Ocean.
This Express site must include the pages from your Personal Portfolio 5 pages – your Home page,
About Me page, a Projects page, a Services page, and a Contact Me page.
1. You Site must include the appropriate content for a Personal Portfolio (17 Marks: Content)
a. You must include a Navigation Bar or other Navigation scheme that allows the user to view
each page of your site. (2 Marks: Content).
b. You must include a
Custom Logo for your site, this should be placed in or around the main
Navigation bar. The
Custom Logo can be as simple or artistic as you desire (e.g. you could
use a primitive colour-filled shape like a triangle or hexagon with your initials positioned
inside). Please do not use a logo that belongs to another company or person. (2 Marks:
c. Your
Home Page should include some sort of welcome message and link or button that
allows the user to redirect to your About Me Page and / or other pages. I recommend also
including some sort of
Mission Statement (2 Marks: Content).
d. Your
About Me Page should include your legal name, an image of you (I recommend a head
and shoulders shot), a short paragraph about who you are. Keep this clean and simple as it
may be viewed by perspective employers. (1 Mark: Content)
e. Your
About Me page should include a link to a PDF version of your Resume (1 Mark:
f. Your
Projects Page should include images and information for at least 3 Projects you wish
to highlight. These could be current projects you are working on or past projects you have
completed. Include an image for each Project and a short description of your role and the
outcome. (2 Marks: Content).

g. Your Services Page should include a short list of services you offer (e.g. general
programming, web development, mobile apps, etc.). I recommend including images that
make this more appealing to view. (2 Marks: Content).
h. Your
Contact Page should include your contact information in a panel or other construct. (1
Mark: Content).
i. Your
Contact Page should include a short interactive form that allows the user send you a
message and provide basic contact information (First Name, Last Name, Contact Number,
Email Address, Message, etc.). This form does not have to be fully functional initially.
However, it should be able to capture the information entered by the user and redirect
them back to the Home Page (4 Marks: Content).
2. Your Portfolio site will use
ExpressJS and NodeJS and your web pages have been split to use
View templates and partials by implementing the EJS templating engine and Express
(8 Marks: GUI, 26 Marks: Functionality):
a. Your site should include at least 2 View templates – one for your Home Page and one for
Contact Me page. Note: You may include additional templates as needed to
accommodate other site pages (13 Marks: Functionality, 8 Marks: GUI).
b. An Express Route must exist for each page of your site.
Note: You will need to use the
router.get(path, callback(req, res, next)) method structure with a res.render(view, locals)
method call to render each view (13 Marks: Functionality).
3. Your site will use the new structure created by the
Express Generator. Your site files will be
migrated to work within the
public, routes and views folders (26 Marks: Site Structure):
a. Generate your site structure with the Express Generator. Note: You must use the -e option
to ensure that you implement the
EJS templating engine for Express (9 Marks: Site
b. Your
JavaScript, CSS and Multimedia Asset Files should be moved to separate folders
within the
public folder. Using the Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework is strongly
recommended, though not required.
Note: the public folder is part of the path and does
not have to be referenced (6 Marks: Site Structure).
c. You will define routes for all of your site pages in the
index.js file in your routes folder (2
Mark: Site Structure).
d. Your
views folder will contain your EJS page templates. You will create a separate folder
partials for all of your partial EJS files. You will need several partials including
header.ejs, content.ejs, footer.ejs and others. (6 Marks: Site Structure).
e. All Your Code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, etc.) is error free (3 Marks: Site Structure).
4. Include
Internal Documentation for your site (5 Marks: Internal Documentation):
a. Ensure you include a comment header for your CSS and JavaScript files that indicate: the
File name, Student’s Name, StudentID, and Date, (2 Marks: Internal Documentation).
b. Ensure you include a
section headers for all of your HTML structure, CSS style sections,
and any JavaScript functions (1 Marks: Internal Documentation)
c. Ensure all your code uses
contextual variable names that help make the files humanreadable (1 Marks: Internal Documentation).
d. Ensure you include inline comments that describe your GUI Design and Functionality. Note:
Please avoid “over-commenting” (1 Marks: Internal Documentation)
5. Share your files on GitHub to demonstrate Version Control Best Practices and push your site to a
cloud host
(4 Marks: Version Control, 4 Marks: Cloud Hosting).
a. Your repository must include your code and be well structured (2 Marks: Version Control).
b. Your repository must include
commits that demonstrate the project being updated at
different stages of development – each time a major change is implemented (2 Marks:
Version Control).
c. You must deploy your site to your Cloud Server using
git (4 Marks: Cloud Hosting).
6. Create a Short Video presentation on
YouTube or another streaming provider. You must include a
PowerPoint (or Google Slides) Slide Deck that includes a single slide to start your video (10
Marks: Video)
a. The
first (and only) Slide of your Slide Deck must include a current image of you (no avatars
allowed) that is displayed appropriately on the page. You must also include your
Full Name,
Student ID, the Course Code, Course Name, and your Assignment information. (2 Marks:
b. You will
demonstrate your site’s functionality. You must show each page working properly
(2 Marks: Video)
c. You will
describe the code in your app.js file that drives the functionality of your site (2
Marks Video).
d. Sound for your Video must at an appropriate level so that your voice may be
clearly heard,
and your screen resolution should be set so that your code and site details are clearly
(2 Marks: Video).
e. Your Short Video should run no more than 5 minutes (2 Marks: Video).
Your submission should include:
1. A zip archive of your website’s Project files
2. A link to GitHub (preferable).
3. A link to your live portfolio site hosted with a Cloud provider

Evaluation Criteria


Appropriate Content is added to each page of your portfolio site

GUI / Interface Design
Display elements meet requirements. Appropriate spacing, graphics, colour, and
typography used.


Site deliverables are me and site functions are met. No errors, including submission
of user inputs.


Site Structure
Well organized site files. Separate HTML and CSS. Appropriate links to external
documents and code. Code is error free. JavaScript libraries use a CDN. 4 marks
for initial deployment to Cloud Host


Internal Documentation
File header present, including site & student name & description. Functions and
classes include headers describing functionality & scope. Inline comments and
descriptive variable names included.


Version Control
GitHub commit history demonstrating regular updates. 2 marks for initial commit

Cloud Deployment
Deploy site to Cloud Service. 2 marks for initial deployment

Video Presentation
Your short video must demonstrate your site and describe your code


This assignment is weighted 15% of your total mark for this course.
Late submissions:
20% deducted for each day late.
External code (e.g. from the internet or other sources) can be used for student submissions within
the following parameters:
1. The code source (i.e. where you got the code and who wrote it) must be cited in your
internal documentation.
2. It encompasses a maximum of 10% of your code (any more will be considered cheating).
3. You must understand any code you use and include documentation (comments) around
the code that explains its function.
4. You must get written approval from me via email.


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