AIT 524: Database Management Essentials
Test 1 Study Guide
Test 1 consists of three parts that are equally weighted:
• Part 1 will assess how well students can apply concepts learned in class to solve
real-world problems and design a database.
• Part 2 includes 50 multiple-choice/true-false questions and covers the topics
listed below. Questions are based on the material covered in the textbook,
presented in the Power-Point presentations and open-source materials before Test
• Part 3 will assess students’ knowledge of relational algebra.
Test 1 is closed book, closed notes. Students will be taking all parts on Blackboard.
The best way to prepare for Test 1 is to review practice problems and HW assignments,
and complete practice quizzes. In addition, it is recommended to go over examples and
exercises available in the textbooks required for this course.
Test 1 topics include but are not limited to:
Database Systems:
Ø ad hoc query—A “spur-of-the-moment” question.
Ø centralized database—A database located at a single site.
Ø data—Raw facts, that is, facts that have not yet been processed to reveal their
meaning to the end user.
Ø data anomaly—A data abnormality that exists when inconsistent changes to a
database have been made. For example, an employee moves, but the address
change is corrected in only one file and not across all files in the database.
Ø data dependence—A data condition in which the data representation and
manipulation are dependent on the physical data storage characteristics.
Ø data dictionary—A DBMS component that stores metadata—data about data.
Thus, the data dictionary contains the data definition as well as its characteristics
and relationships. A data dictionary may also include data that are external to the
DBMS. Also known as an information resource dictionary. See also active data
dictionary, metadata, and passive data dictionary.
Ø data inconsistency—A condition in which different versions of the same data
yield different (inconsistent) results.
Ø data independence—A condition that exists when data access is unaffected by
changes in the physical data storage characteristics.
Ø data integrity—In a relational database, refers to a condition in which the data in
the database is in compliance with all entity and referential integrity constraints.
Ø data management—A process that focuses on data collection, storage, and
retrieval. Common data management functions include addition, deletion,
modification, and listing.
Ø data redundancy—A condition that exists when a data environment contains
redundant (unnecessarily duplicated) data.
Ø data warehouse—Bill Inmon, the acknowledged “father of the data warehouse,”
defines the term as “an integrated, subject-oriented, time-variant, nonvolatile
collection of data that provides support for decision making.”
Ø database—A shared, integrated computer structure that houses a collection of
related data. A database contains two types of data: end-user data (raw facts) and
metadata. The metadata consist of data about data, that is, the data characteristics
and relationships.
Ø database design—The process that yields the description of the database
structure. The database design process determines the database components.
Database design is the second phase of the database life cycle.
Ø database management system (DBMS) —Refers to the collection of programs
that manages the database structure and controls access to the data stored in the
Ø database system—An organization of components that defines and regulates the
collection, storage, management, and use of data in a database environment.
Ø desktop database—A single-user database that runs on a personal computer.
Ø distributed database—A logically related database that is stored over two or
more physically independent sites.
Ø enterprise database—The overall company data representation, which provides
support for present and expected future needs.
Ø field—A character or group of characters (alphabetic or numeric) that defines a
characteristic of a person, place, or thing. For example, a person’s Social Security
number, address, phone number, and bank balance all constitute fields.
Ø file—A named collection of related records.
Ø information—The result of processing raw data to reveal its meaning.
Information consists of transformed data and facilitates decision making.
Ø islands of information—A term used in the old-style file system environment to
refer to independent, often duplicated, and inconsistent data pools created and
managed by different organizational departments.
Ø knowledge—The body of information and facts about a specific subject.
Knowledge implies familiarity, awareness, and understanding of information as it
applies to an environment. A key characteristic of knowledge is that “new”
knowledge can be derived from “old” knowledge.
Ø logical data format—The way in which a human being views data.
Ø metadata—Data about data, that is, data concerning data characteristics and
relationships. See also data dictionary.
Ø multiuser database—A database that supports multiple concurrent users.
Ø operational database—A database that is designed primarily to support a
company’s day-to-day operations. Also known as a transactional database or
production database.
Ø performance tuning—Activities that make a database perform more efficiently
in terms of storage and access speed.
Ø physical data format—The way in which a computer “sees” (stores) data.
Ø production database—The main database designed to keep track of the day-to-
day operations of a company. See also transactional database.
Ø query—A question or task asked by an end user of a database in the form of SQL
code. A specific request for data manipulation issued by the end user or the
application to the DBMS.
Ø query language—A nonprocedural language that is used by a DBMS to
manipulate its data. An example of a query language is SQL.
Ø query result set—The collection of data rows that are returned by a query.
Ø record—A collection of related (logically connected) fields.
Ø single-user database—A database that supports only one user at a time.
Ø structural dependence—A data characteristic that exists when a change in the
database schema affects data access, thus requiring changes in all access
Ø structural independence—A data characteristic that exists when changes in the
database schema do not affect data access.
Ø Structured Query Language—A powerful and flexible relational database
language composed of commands that enable users to create database and table
structures, perform various types of data manipulation and data administration,
and query the database to extract useful information.
Ø transactional database—A database designed to keep track of the day-to-day
transactions of an organization. See also production database.
Ø workgroup database—A multiuser database that supports a relatively small
number of users (usually fewer than 50) or that is used for a specific department
in an organization.
Data Models
Ø attribute—A characteristic of an entity or object. An attribute has a name and a
data type.
Ø business rule—Narrative descriptions of a policy, procedure, or principle within
an organization. Examples: A pilot cannot be on duty for more than 10 hours
during a 24-hour period. A professor may teach up to four classes during any one
Ø class—A collection of like objects with shared structure (attributes) and behavior
(methods). A class encapsulates an object’s data representation and a method’s
implementation. Classes are organized in a class hierarchy.
Ø class hierarchy—The organization of classes in a hierarchical tree where each
“parent” class is a superclass and each “child” class is a subclass. See also
Ø conceptual model—The output of the conceptual design process. The conceptual
model provides a global view of an entire database. Describes the main data
objects, avoiding details.
Ø conceptual schema—A representation of the conceptual model, usually
expressed graphically. See also conceptual model.
Ø connectivity—Describes the classification of the relationship between entities.
Classifications include 1:1, 1:M, and M:N.
Ø constraint—A restriction placed on data. Constraints are normally expressed in
the form of rules. Example: “A student’s GPA must be between 0.00 and 4.00.”
Constraints are important because they help to ensure data integrity.
Ø Crow’s Foot notation—A representation of the entity relationship diagram using
a three-pronged symbol to represent the “many” sides of the relationship.
Ø data definition language (DDL)—The language that allows a database
administrator to define the database structure, schema, and subschema.
Ø data management language (DML)—The language (set of commands) that
allows an end user to manipulate the data in the database (SELECT, INSERT,
Ø data model—A representation, usually graphic, of a complex “real-world” data
structure. Data models are used in the database design phase of the database life
Ø entity—Something about which someone wants to store data; typically a person,
a place, a thing, a concept, or an event. See also attribute.
Ø entity instance—A term used in ER modeling to refer to a specific table row.
Also known as an entity occurrence.
Ø entity occurrence—See entity instance.
Ø entity relationship diagram (ERD)—A diagram that depicts an entity
relationship model’s entities, attributes, and relations.
Ø entity relationship (ER) model (ERM)—A data model developed by P. Chen in
1975. It describes relationships (1:1, 1:M, and M:N) among entities at the
conceptual level with the help of ER diagrams.
Ø entity set—In a relational model, refers to a grouping of related entities.
Ø extended relational data model (ERDM)—Sometimes referred to as the
enhanced entity relationship model; the result of adding more semantic constructs
(entity supertypes, entity subtypes, and entity clustering) to the original entity
relationship (ER) model.
Ø external model—The application programmer’s view of the data environment.
Given its business-unit focus, an external model works with a data subset of the
global database schema.
Ø external schema—The specific representation of an external view, that is, the
end user’s view of the data environment.
Ø hardware independence—Means that a model does not depend on the hardware
used in the implementation of the model. Therefore, changes in the hardware will
have no effect on the database design at the conceptual level.
Ø hierarchical model—No longer a major player in the current database market;
important to know, however, because the basic concepts and characteristics form
the basis for subsequent database development. This model is based on an
“upside-down” tree structure in which each record is called a segment. The top
record is the root segment. Each segment has a 1:M relationship to the segment
directly below it.
Ø inheritance—In the object-oriented data model, the ability of an object to inherit
the data structure and methods of the classes above it in the class hierarchy. See
also class hierarchy.
Ø internal model—In database modeling, refers to a level of data abstraction that
adapts the conceptual model to a specific DBMS model for implementation.
Ø internal schema—Depicts a specific representation of an internal model, using
the database constructs supported by the chosen database. (The internal model is
the representation of a database as “seen” by the DBMS. In other words, the
internal model requires a designer to match the conceptual model’s characteristics
and constraints to those of the selected implementation model.)
Ø logical design—A stage in the design phase that matches the conceptual design to
the requirements of the selected DBMS and is, therefore, software-dependent. It is
used to translate the conceptual design into the internal model for a selected
database management system, such as DB2, SQL Server, Oracle, IMS, Informix,
Access, and Ingress.
Ø logical independence—A condition that exists when the internal model can be
changed without affecting the conceptual model. (The internal model is hardware
independent because it is unaffected by the choice of computer on which the
software is installed. Therefore, a change in storage devices or even a change in
operating systems will not affect the internal model.)
Ø many-to-many (M:N or *..*) relationship—One of three types of relationships
(associations among two or more entities) in which one occurrence of an entity is
associated with many occurrences of a related entity and one occurrence of the
related entity is associated with many occurrences of the first entity.
Ø method—In the object-oriented data model, a named set of instructions to
perform an action. Methods represent real-world actions. Methods are invoked
through messages.
Ø network model—A data model standard created by the CODASYL Data Base
Task Group in the late 1960s. It represented data as a collection of record types
and relationships as predefined sets with an owner record type and a member
record type in a 1:M relationship.
Ø object—An abstract representation of a real-world entity that has a unique
identity, embedded properties, and the ability to interact with other objects and
with itself.
Ø object-oriented data model (OODM)—A data model whose basic modeling
structure is an object.
Ø object-oriented database management system (OODBMS)—Data
management software used to manage data found within an object-oriented
database model.
Ø object/relational database management system (O/RDBMS)—A DBMS based
on the extended relational model (ERDM). The ERDM, championed by many
relational database researchers, constitutes the relational model’s response to the
OODM. This model includes many of the object-oriented model’s best features
within an inherently simpler relational database structural environment.
Ø one-to-many (1:M or 1..*) relationship—One of three types of relationships
(associations among two or more entities) that are used by data models. In a 1:M
relationship, one entity instance is associated with many instances of the related
Ø one-to-one (1:1 or 1..1) relationship—One of three types of relationships
(associations among two or more entities) that are used by data models. In a 1:1
relationship, one entity instance is associated with only one instance of the related
Ø physical independence—A condition that exists when the physical model can be
changed without affecting the internal model.
Ø physical model—A model in which the physical characteristics (location, path,
and format) are described for the data. Both hardware- and software-dependent.
See also physical design.
Ø relation—In a relational database model, an entity set. Relations are implemented
as tables. Relations (tables) are related to each other through the sharing of a
common entity characteristic (value in a column).
Ø relational database management system (RDBMS)—A collection of programs
that manages a relational database. The RDBMS software translates a user’s
logical requests (queries) into commands that physically locate and retrieve the
requested data. A good RDBMS also creates and maintains a data dictionary
(system catalog) to help provide data security, data integrity, concurrent access,
easy access, and system administration to the data in the database through a query
language (SQL) and application programs.
Ø relational diagram—A graphical representation of a relational database’s
entities, the attributes within those entities, and the relationships among those
Ø relational model—Developed by E. F. Codd (of IBM) in 1970, it represents a
major breakthrough for users and designers because of its conceptual simplicity.
The relational model, based on mathematical set theory, represents data as
independent relations. Each relation (table) is conceptually represented as a
matrix of intersecting rows and columns. The relations are related to each other
through the sharing of common entity characteristics (values in columns).
Ø relationship—An association between entities.
Ø schema— A logical grouping of database objects (tables, indexes, views, queries,
etc.) that are related to each other. Usually, a schema belongs to a single user or
Ø semantic data model—The first of a series of data models that more closely
represented the real world, modeling both data and their relationships in a single
structure known as an object. The SDM, published in 1981, was developed by M.
Hammer and D. McLeod.
Ø software independence—A property of any model or application that does not
depend on the software used to implement it.
Ø subschema—In the network model, the portion of the database “seen” by the
application programs that produce the desired information from the data contained
within the database.
Ø table—A (conceptual) matrix composed of intersecting rows (entities) and
columns (attributes) that represents an entity set in the relational model. Also
called a relation.
The Relational Database Model
Ø associative entity—See composite entity.
Ø attribute domain—See domain.
Ø bridge entity—See composite entity.
Ø candidate key—See key.
Ø composite entity—An entity designed to transform an M:N relationship into two
1:M relationships. The composite entity’s primary key comprises at least the
primary keys of the entities that it connects. Also known as a bridge entity. See
also linking table.
Ø composite key—A multiple-attribute key.
Ø data dictionary—A DBMS component that stores metadata—data about data.
Thus, the data dictionary contains the data definition as well as its characteristics
and relationships. A data dictionary may also include data that are external to the
DBMS. Also known as an information resource dictionary. See also active data
dictionary, metadata, and passive data dictionary.
Ø determination—The role of a key. In the context of a database table, the
statement “A determines B” indicates that knowing the value of attribute A means
that the value of attribute B can be looked up (determined).
Ø domain—In data modeling, refers to the construct used to organize and describe
an attribute’s set of possible values.
Ø entity integrity—The property of a relational table that guarantees that each
entity has a unique value in a primary key and that there are no null values in the
primary key.
Ø flags—Special codes implemented by designers to trigger a required response, to
alert end users to specified conditions, or to encode values. Flags may be used to
prevent nulls by bringing attention to the absence of a value in a table.
Ø foreign key (FK)—See key.
Ø full functional dependence—A condition in which an attribute is functionally
dependent on a composite key but not on any subset of that composite key.
Ø functional dependence—Within a relation R, an attribute B is functionally
dependent on an attribute A if and only if a given value of the attribute A
determines exactly one value of the attribute B. The relationship “B is dependent
on A” is equivalent to “A determines B” and is written as A B.
Ø homonyms—Indicates the use of the same name to label different attributes;
generally should be avoided. Some relational software automatically checks for
homonyms and either alerts the user to their existence or automatically makes the
appropriate adjustments. See also synonym.
Ø index—An ordered array composed of index key values and row ID values
(pointers). Indexes are generally used to speed up and facilitate data retrieval.
Also known as an index key.
Ø index key—See index.
Ø key—An entity identifier based on the concept of functional dependence; may be
classified as follows: Superkey: An attribute (or combination of attributes) that
uniquely identifies each entity in a table. Candidate key: A minimal attribute that
is itself a superkey. Primary key (PK): A candidate key selected as a unique entity
identifier. Secondary key: A key that is used strictly for data retrieval purposes.
For example, a customer is not likely to know his or her customer number
(primary key), but the combination of last name, first name, middle initial, and
telephone number is likely to make a match to the appropriate table row. Foreign
key: An attribute (or combination of attributes) in one table whose values must
match the primary key in another table or whose values must be null.
Ø key attribute—The attribute(s) that form(s) a primary key. See also prime
Ø null—In SQL, refers to the absence of an attribute value. Note: A null is not a
Ø primary key (PK)—In the relational model, an identifier composed of one or
more attributes that uniquely identifies a row. See also key.
Ø referential integrity—A condition by which a dependent table’s foreign key
must have either a null entry or a matching entry in the related table. Even though
an attribute may not have a corresponding attribute, it is impossible to have an
invalid entry.
Ø relational schema—The description of the organization of a relational database
as seen by the database administrator.
Ø secondary key—A key that is used strictly for data retrieval purposes. For
example, a customer is not likely to know his or her customer number (primary
key), but the combination of last name, first name, middle initial, and telephone
number is likely to make a match to the appropriate table row. See also key.
Ø superkey—See key.
Ø synonym—The use of different names to identify the same object, such as an
entity, an attribute, or a relationship; should generally be avoided. See also
Ø system catalog—A detailed system data dictionary that describes all objects in a
Ø unique index—An index in which the index key can have only one pointer value
(row) associated with it.
Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling
Ø binary relationship—An ER term used to describe an association (relationship)
between two entities. Example: PROFESSOR teaches COURSE.
Ø cardinality—Assigns a specific value to connectivity. Expresses the range
(minimum to maximum) of allowed entity occurrences associated with a single
occurrence of the related entity.
Ø composite attribute—An attribute that can be further subdivided to yield
additional attributes. For example, a phone number (615-898-2368) may be
divided into an area code (615), an exchange number (898), and a four-digit code
(2368). Compare to simple attribute.
Ø composite identifier—In ER modeling, a key composed of more than one
Ø connectivity—Describes the classification of the relationship between entities.
Classifications include 1:1, 1:M, and M:N.
Ø derived attribute—An attribute that does not physically exist within the entity
and is derived via an algorithm. Example: Age = current date – birth date.
Ø existence-dependent—A property of an entity whose existence depends on one
or more other entities. In an existence-dependent environment, the existence-
independent table must be created and loaded first because the existence-
dependent key cannot reference a table that does not yet exist.
Ø existence-independent—An entity that can exist apart from one or more related
entities. It must be created first when referencing an existence-dependent table to
Ø identifiers—The ERM uses identifiers to uniquely identify each entity instance.
In the relational model, such identifiers are mapped to primary keys in tables.
Ø identifying relationship—A relationship that exists when the related entities are
existence-dependent. Also called a strong relationship or strong identifying
relationship because the dependent entity’s primary key contains the primary key
of the parent entity.
Ø iterative process—A process based on repetition of steps and procedures.
Ø mandatory participation—A term used to describe a relationship in which one
entity occurrence must have a corresponding occurrence in another entity.
Example: EMPLOYEE works in DIVISION. (A person cannot be an employee if
he or she is not assigned to a company’s division.)
Ø multivalued attribute—An attribute that can have many values for a single
entity occurrence. For example, an EMP_DEGREE attribute might store the string
“BBA, MBA, PHD” to indicate three different degrees held.
Ø non-identifying relationship—A relationship that occurs when the primary key
of the dependent (many side) entity does not contain the primary key of the
related parent entity. Also known as a weak relationship.
Ø optional attribute—In ER modeling, refers to an attribute that does not require a
value, therefore it can be left empty.
Ø optional participation—In ER modeling, refers to a condition where one entity
occurrence does not require a corresponding entity occurrence in a particular
Ø participants—An ER term used to label the entities that participate in a
relationship. Example: PROFESSOR teaches CLASS. (The teaches relationship is
based on the participants PROFESSOR and CLASS.)
Ø recursive relationship—A relationship that is found within a single entity type.
For example, an EMPLOYEE is married to an EMPLOYEE or a PART is a
component of another PART.
Ø relationship degree—Indicates the number of entities or participants associated
with a relationship. A relationship degree can be unary, binary, ternary, or higher
Ø required attribute—In ER modeling, refers to an attribute that must have a
value. In other words, it cannot be left empty.
Ø simple attribute—An attribute that cannot be subdivided into meaningful
components. Compare to composite attribute.
Ø single-valued attribute—An attribute that can have only one value.
Ø strong relationship—When two entities are existence-dependent; from a
database design perspective, this exists whenever the primary key of the related
entity contains the primary key of the parent entity.
Ø ternary relationship—An ER term used to describe an association (relationship)
between three entities. Example: A CONTRIBUTOR contributes money to a
FUND from which a RECIPIENT receives money.
Ø unary relationship—An ER term used to describe an association within an
entity. Example: A COURSE is a prerequisite to another COURSE.
Ø weak entity—An entity that displays existence dependence and inherits the
primary key of its parent entity. Example: A DEPENDENT requires the existence
Ø weak relationship—A relationship that exists when the PK of the related entity
does not contain a PK component of the parent entity. Also known as a non-
identifying relationship.
Normalization of Database Tables
Ø atomic attribute—An attribute that cannot be further subdivided to produce
meaningful components. For example, a person’s last name attribute cannot be
meaningfully subdivided into other name components; therefore, the last name
attribute is atomic.
Ø atomicity—A property of transactions that states that all parts of a transaction
must be treated as a single logical unit of work in which all operations must be
completed (committed) to produce a consistent database.
Ø Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)— A special form of third normal form
(3NF) in which every determinant is a candidate key. A table that is in BCNF
must be in 3NF. See also determinant.
Ø denormalization—A process by which a table is changed from a higher level
normal form to a lower level normal form. Usually done to increase processing
speed. Potentially yields data anomalies.
Ø dependency diagram—A representation of all data dependencies (primary key,
partial, or transitive) within a table.
Ø determinant—Any attribute in a specific row whose value directly determines
other values in that row. See also Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF).
Ø first normal form (1NF)—The first stage in the normalization process. It
describes a relation depicted in tabular format, with no repeating groups and with
a primary key identified. All nonkey attributes in the relation are dependent on the
primary key.
Ø granularity—Refers to the level of detail represented by the values stored in a
table’s row. Data stored at their lowest level of granularity are said to be atomic
Ø key attribute—The attribute(s) that form(s) a primary key. See also prime
Ø nonkey attribute—See nonprime attribute.
Ø nonprime attribute—An attribute that is not part of a key.
Ø normalization—A process that assigns attributes to entities in such a way that
data redundancies are reduced or eliminated.
Ø partial dependency—In normalization, a condition in which an attribute is
dependent on only a portion (subset) of the primary key.
Ø prime attribute—A key attribute, that is, an attribute that is part of a key or is the
whole key. See also key attribute.
Ø repeating group—In a relation, a characteristic describing a group of multiple
entries of the same type that exist for a single key attribute occurrence. For
example, a car can have multiple colors (top, interior, bottom, trim, and so on).
Ø second normal form (2NF)—The second stage in the normalization process in
which a relation is in 1NF and there are no partial dependencies (dependencies in
only part of the primary key).
Ø surrogate key—A system-assigned primary key, generally numeric and auto-
Ø third normal form (3NF)—A table is in 3NF when it is in 2NF and no nonkey
attribute is functionally dependent on another nonkey attribute; that is, it cannot
include transitive dependencies.
Ø transitive dependency—A condition in which an attribute is dependent on
another attribute that is not part of the primary key.