CS 486/686 Assignment 3
Winter 2022
(135 marks)
Blake VanBerlo
Due Date: 11:59 PM ET on Wednesday, March 23, 2022
• v1.1: Small changes to hyperparameters in Q2.2a and Q2.b. Fixed some typos.
• v1.2: Fixed typos in function names
• v1.3: Instructions to calculate average cross entropy loss
CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
Academic Integrity Statement
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your signature (typed name), we will deduct 5 marks from your final assignment mark.
I declare the following statements to be true:
• The work I submit here is entirely my own.
• I have not shared and will not share any of my code with anyone at any point.
• I have not posted and will not post my code on any public or private forum or website.
• I have not discussed and will not discuss the contents of this assessment with anyone
at any point.
• I have not posted and will not post the contents of this assessment and its solutions
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• I will not search for assessment solutions online.
• I am aware that misconduct related to assessments can result in significant penalties,
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Failure to accept the integrity policy will result in your assignment not being graded.
By typing or writing my full legal name below, I confirm that I have read and understood
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
• Submit any written solutions in a file named writeup.pdf to the A3 Dropbox on Learn.
If your written submission on Learn does not contain one file named writeup.pdf, we
will deduct 5 marks from your final assignment mark.
• Submit any code to Marmoset at https://marmoset.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/.
Grades for the programming component are determined by the unit tests in the “As-
signment 3 (Final)” project on Marmoset The “Assignment 3 (Week 1)” and “As-
signment 3 (Week 2)” projects contain ungraded public test suites meant to help you
debug, and they are only temporarily available.
• No late assignment will be accepted. This assignment is to be done individually.
• I strongly encourage you to complete your write-up in LaTeX, using this source file.
If you do, in your submission, please replace the author with your name and student
number. Please also remove the due date, the Instructions section, and the Learning
goals section. Thanks!
• Lead TAs:
– Question 1: Xuejun Du (xuejun.du@uwaterloo.ca)
– Question 2: Sharhad Bashar (sharhad.bashar@uwaterloo.ca)
The TAs’ office hours will be scheduled on MS Teams.
Learning goals
Decision Trees
• Compute the entropy of a probability distribution.
• Trace the execution of the algorithm for learning a decision tree.
• Determine valid splits for real-valued features.
• Apply overfitting prevention strategies for decision trees.
Neural networks
• Implement a multilayer perceptron
• Implement the backpropagation algorithm including the forward and backward passes
• Understand and interpret performance metrics in supervised learning
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
1 Decision Trees (35 marks)
1. Recall that the entropy of a probability distribution over k outcomes c1, c2, . . . , ck is:
I(P (c1), P (c2), . . . , P (ck)) = −
P (ci) log2(P (ci))
In Lecture 13, we learned that the maximum entropy probability distribution over 2
outcomes was ⟨1
, 1
⟩. Interestingly, the maximum entropy probability distribution over
n outcomes is the discrete uniform distribution: ⟨ 1
, 1
, . . . , 1
Show that ⟨1
, 1
, 1
⟩ is the maximum entropy probability distribution over 3 outcomes.
Hint: Define a general distribution over 3 outcomes as ⟨p, q, 1−p−q⟩, where 0 ≤ p, q ≤ 1.
Let H(p, q) = I(p, q, 1 − p − q), where I is the entropy as defined in lecture. The
maximum of H occurs when ∇H = ⟨∂H
, ∂H
⟩ = 0⃗.
Marking Scheme: (8 marks)
• (8 marks) Proof is correct.
• (2 marks) Proof is clear and easy to understand.
2. Suppose that the computer science department would like to predict whether a student
will pass CS486. Professor X thinks that the following features may be sufficient to
predict success in CS486:
• Calc: Whether or not the student took an introductory calculus course in the
past. The domain is {true, false}.
• Algo: Whether or not the student took an algorithms and data structures course.
The domain is {true, false}.
• Python: Whether or not the student has experience programming in Python. The
domain is {true, false}.
• Avg : The student’s grade average in the semester before taking CS486 (expressed
as a percentage).
The target variable is whether or not the student passed CS486 (i.e. ”Passed”) and its
domain is {true, false}.
Professor X would like to fit a decision tree to predict whether a student will pass
CS486. They extract information from 20 students who took CS486 in the past, com-
prising the training set1, given below.
1This dataset is fictional.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
Student Calc Algo Python Avg Passed
1 false false false 54.8 false
2 true true false 63.4 false
3 true false false 68.7 false
4 true true false 71.3 true
5 false true false 73.2 true
6 true false false 73.6 false
7 true false true 75.4 false
8 false true true 80.0 true
9 false true true 80.5 true
10 true true false 84.5 true
11 true true true 85.6 true
12 false true true 86.0 true
13 true true true 88.4 true
14 false true true 89.0 true
15 false true true 91.0 true
16 true true false 92.2 true
17 true true false 93.0 true
18 true true true 93.2 true
19 true true true 95.3 true
20 true true true 99.0 true
Training Set
Using the decision tree learner algorithm presented in class, fit a decision tree for this
training set. Select the next feature to test based on maximum information gain of the
remaining features.
Remember that discrete features can only appear once on any path in the tree. For
real-valued features, consider each possible split as a binary feature. For example, if
you have already tested Calc and Python on the current branch, then find the split
points for Avg for the examples in the branch. If the candidate split points for Avg
are x and y, then you must test the following 3 features: Algo, Avg ≥ x, and Avg ≥ y.
Show all of your steps and calculations. You may round all of your calculations to 4
decimal points. You may also abbreviate entropy calculations with I(p0, p1), where p0
and p1 are probabilities. Be sure to clearly show your final decision tree.
Marking Scheme: (20 marks)
• (4 marks) Correct feature selection
• (4 marks) Correct information gain calculations
• (4 marks) Correct splitting of Avg
• (4 marks) Correct final decision tree
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
• (4 marks) All calculations are shown
3. Professor X collects information from 10 separate students to create the following test
Student Calc Algo Python Avg Passed
21 true false false 58.1 false
22 true false true 64.2 true
23 false false true 71.1 false
24 false true true 72.0 true
25 true true false 73.3 true
26 true true false 78.6 true
27 true false true 80.1 true
28 true true true 86.0 true
29 true true true 92.9 true
30 true true true 97.2 true
Test Set
List the predictions of your decision tree from the previous question for each example
in the test set. What is the error on the test set? What is the accuracy on the test
Marking Scheme: (5 marks)
• (3 marks) Correct predictions
• (1 marks) Correct error
• (1 marks) Correct accuracy
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
2 Neural Networks for Classification and Regression
(100 marks)
In this part of the assignment, you will implement a feedforward neural network from scratch.
Additionally, you will implement multiple activation functions, loss functions, and perfor-
mance metrics. Lastly, you will train a neural network model to perform a classification and
a regression problem.
2.1 Bank Note Forgery – A Classification Problem
The classification problem we will examine is the prediction of whether or not a bank note
is forged. The labelled dataset included in the assignment was downloaded from the UCI
Machine Learning Repository. The target y ∈ {0, 1} is a binary variable, where 0 and 1 refer
to fake and real respectively. The features are all real-valued. They are listed below:
• Variance of the transformed iamge of the bank note
• Skewness of the transformed iamge of the bank note
• Curtosis of the transformed iamge of the bank note
• Entropy of the image
2.2 Red Wine Quality – A Regression Problem
The task is to predict the quality of red wine from northern Portugal, given some physical
characteristics of the wine. The target y ∈ [0, 10] is a continuous variable, where 10 is the
best possible wine, according to human tasters. Again, this dataset was downloaded from
the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The features are all real-valued. They are listed
• Fixed acidity
• Volatile acidity
• Citric acid
• Residual sugar
• Chlorides
• Free sulfur dioxide
• Total sulfur dioxide
• Density
• pH
• Sulphates
• Alcohol
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
2.3 Training a Neural Network
In Lecture 14, you learned how to train a neural network using the backpropagation algo-
rithm. In this assignment, you will apply the forward and backward pass to the entire dataset
simultaneously (i.e. batch gradient decsent). As a result, your forward and backward passes
will manipulate tensors, where the first dimension is the number of examples in the training
set, n. When updating an individual weight W
i,j , you will need to find the average gradient
across all examples in the training set to apply the update. Algorithm 1 gives the
training algorithm in terms of functions that you will implement in this assignment. Further
details can be found in the documentation for each function in the provided source code.
Algorithm 1 Neural network training
Require: η > 0 ▷ Learning rate
Require: nepochs ∈ N+ ▷ Number of epochs
Require: X ∈ Rn×f ▷ Training examples with n examples and f features
Require: y ∈ Rn ▷ Targets for training examples
Initiate weight matrices W (l) randomly for each layer. ▷ Initialize net
for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , nepochs} do ▷ Conduct nepochs epochs
A vals, Z vals← net.forward pass(X) ▷ Forward pass
yˆ ← Z vals[-1] ▷ Predictions
L← L(yˆ, y)
Compute ∂
L(yˆ, y) ▷ Derivative of error with respect to predictions
deltas ← backward pass(A vals, ∂
L(yˆ, y) ) ▷ Backward pass
update gradients() ▷ W
i,j ← W (ℓ)i,j − ηEn ∂L∂W (ℓ)i,j for each weight
end for
return trained weight matrices W (ℓ)
2.4 Activation and Loss Functions
You will implement the following activation functions and their derivatives:
g(x) =
1 + e−kx
Hyperbolic tangent
g(x) = tanh x
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
g(x) = max(0, x)
Leaky ReLU
g(x) = max(0, x) + min(0, kx)
You will implement the following loss functions and their derivatives:
Cross entropy loss: for binary classification
Compute the average over all the examples. Note that log() refers to the natural logarithm.
L(yˆ, y) = 1
−(y log(yˆ) + (1− y) log(1− yˆ))
Mean squared error loss: for regression
L(yˆ, y) = 1
(yˆ − y)2
2.5 Implementation
We have provided three Python files. Please read the detailed comments in the provided
files carefully. Note that some functions have already been implemented for you.
1. neural network.py: Contains an implementation of a NeuralNetwork class. You
must implement the forward_pass(), backward_pass(), and
update_weights() methods in the NeuralNetwork class. Do
not change the function signatures. Do not change
anything else in this file!
2. operations.py: Contains multiple classes for multiple activation functions,
loss functions, and functions for performance metrics. The
activation functions extend a base Activation class and the
loss functions extend a base Loss class. You must implement
all the blank functions as indicated in this file. Do not change
the function signatures. Do not change anything else
in this file!
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
3. train experiment.py:Provides a demonstration of how to define a NeuralNetwork
object and train it on one of the provided datasets. Feel free to
change this file as you desire.
Please complete the following tasks.
1. Implement the empty functions in neural_network.py and operations.py. Zip and
submit these two files on Marmoset.
Please do not invoke any numpy random operations in neural_network.py and operations.py.
This may throw the automatic grading off.
Marking Scheme: (84 marks)
Unit tests for neural network.py:
• NeuralNetwork.forward_pass()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 4 marks = 12 marks
• NeuralNetwork.backward_pass()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 5 marks = 15 marks
• NeuralNetwork.update_weights()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 5 marks = 15 marks
Unit tests for operations.py:
• Sigmoid.value()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• Sigmoid.derivative()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• Tanh.value()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• Tanh.derivative()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• ReLU.value()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• ReLU.derivative()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• LeakyReLU.value()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• LeakyReLU.derivative()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
• CrossEntropy.value()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• CrossEntropy.derivative()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• MeanSquaredError.value()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• MeanSquaredError.derivative()
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• accuracy
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
• mean_absolute_error
(1 public test + 2 secret tests) * 1 mark = 3 marks
2. Once you have implemented the functions, you can train the neural networks on the two
provided datasets. The bank note forgery dataset is in data/banknote authentication.csv
and the wine quality dataset is in data/wine quality.csv. In train_experiment.py,
we have provided some code to instantiate a neural network and train on an entire
dataset. Implement the required functions and then complete the following activities.
(a) Execute k-fold cross validation for the banknote forgery dataset with k = 5. Use
the sigmoid activation function for your output layer. Report the sizes of the
layers that you used in your neural network, along with the activation functions
you used for your hidden layers. Train for 1000 epochs in each trial and use
η = 0.01.
To perform cross validation, randomly split the data into 5 folds. For each fold,
train the model on the remaining data and determine the trained model’s accuracy
on the fold. You can use NeuralNetwork.evaluate() to determine the accuracy
on the validation set (i.e. fold).
Report the average and standard deviation of the accuracy across all folds. Pro-
duce a plot where the x-axis is the epoch number and the y-axis is the average
loss across all folds for the current epoch.
Marking Scheme: (8 marks)
• (6 marks) Reasonably correct plot.
• (2 marks) Reasonable accuracy (average and standard deviation)
(b) Execute k-fold cross validation for the wine quality dataset with k = 5. Use the
ReLU activation function for your output layer. Report the sizes of the layers that
you used in your neural network, along with the activation functions you used for
your hidden layers. Train for 1000 epochs in each trial and use η = 0.001.
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CS 486/686 Winter 2022 Assignment 3
To perform cross validation, randomly split the data into 5 folds. For each fold,
train the model on the remaining data and determine the trained model’s mean
absolute error on the fold. You can use NeuralNetwork.evaluate() to determine
the mean absolute error on the validation set (i.e. fold).
Report the average and standard deviation of the mean absolute error across all
folds. Produce a plot where the x-axis is the epoch number and the y-axis is the
average loss across all folds for the current epoch.
Marking Scheme: (8 marks)
• (6 marks) Reasonably correct plot.
• (2 marks) Reasonable mean absolute error (average and standard de-
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