Format & Grading Rubric for the Developmental History & Screening Assignment Your assignment should be formatted in numerical point form or tables and include the following headings: Developmental History Interview Questions Screening Scores & Interpretation Recommendations Similarities between LookSee and ASQ -3.
Th ins
erences between the LooKsee and ASQ-3 eference and Rationale e Developmental History & Screening assignment has a 70-point value and is worth 30% of
tructor according to the following rubric:
Developmental History & Screening Assignment
your final mark. Specifically, you will be assessed by the
Point Value
Needs Improvement
Developmental History Interview Questions
Quality of interview questions
15 10-15 appropriate interview questions to gather the required infnrmnfinn
11 Less than / more than 10-15 interview questions. Inappropriate question format, questions would provide an
8 Significantly less than or more than 10-15 interview questions. Developmental history could only hp nap-tinily
5 Incomplete developmental history interview questions.