Module 2: Module 2 M2 Assignment 2 Assignment 2: Impact of Culture on Change Tasks: Conduct a review of

Module 2: Module 2 M2 Assignment 2 Assignment 2: Impact
of Culture on Change Tasks: Conduct a review of the literature on
the impact of organizational culture on change initiatives and, on
the basis of the literature review, create a 3- to 5-page Microsoft
Word document. In your document: Analyze the impact of
organizational culture on change initiatives. Identify ways in
which an effective change agent can build a change-friendly
organizational culture. Create a prioritized list of five
characteristics or skills necessary for an effective change leader
(5: Least Important1: Most Important) on the basis of your
readings. Explain why each characteristic or skill is important and
justify your ranking. Explain how change leaders can integrate
ethical principles into the change process and facilitate healthy
change within an organization. Your final product will be in a
Microsoft Word document of approximately 35 pages in length.
Utilize at least two sources from professional literature in your
research. Professional literature may include the Argosy University
online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal
articles, and websites created by professional organizations,
agencies, or institutions (.edu or .gov). Your response should
demonstrate ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate
representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA) and display
accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Submission Details:
BySunday, March 19, 2017, save your document as
M2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit the document to
theM2 Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Guide on how to write a proper thesis statement with examples

A thesis statement is an essential aspect of any essay or research paper, which functions as the main argument of the paper. Here is a guide for writing a good thesis statement, with illustrations:
1. Apprehend the intent of a thesis statement: A thesis statement must be one sentence that conveys the central concept and argument of the essay or research paper. It should also be arguable and clear.
2. Brainstorm feasible topics: Generate multiple potential topics for your paper. Ensure to select a subject that you can effectively support or oppose.
3. Compose a thesis statement: Create a thesis statement in line with your topic and focus. Make sure the thesis statement is transparent and explicitly deals with the topic. Examples: • The utilization of technology in education has augmented the quality of teaching and learning. • The death penalty is an inhumane and uncommon form of punishment and should be abolished in the United States. • The emergence of online streaming services has resulted in an augment in the number of people watching films and TV shows.


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