Read Brannavy Jeyasundaram’s article, “How to Feed the Future” published on March 24, 2022. Use critical thinking strategies to develop a thoughtful response to Jeyasundaram’s article. Write a 500-word letter to Tai Huynh, the founding Editor-in-Chief and publisher of The Local, sharing a thoughtful response to Jeyasundaram’s article, “How to Feed the Future.”

Read Brannavy Jeyasundaram’s article, “How to Feed the Future” published on March 24, 2022. Use critical thinking strategies to develop a thoughtful response to Jeyasundaram’s article. Write a 500-word letter to Tai Huynh, the founding Editor-in-Chief and publisher of The Local, sharing a thoughtful response to Jeyasundaram’s article, “How to Feed the Future.”


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