Researchers of implicit bias

Error! Filename not specified.Online Activity 3: Implicit Bias

Online Activity #3

Before tacking the assignment: read the purpose, then take the implicit bias test.


One of the conclusions that researchers of implicit bias have reached is that all of us, to some degree or another, possess biases that affect how we perceive the world. At the same time, researchers have found that our conscious attitudes and beliefs can change in spite of these biases.

Review the announcement posted on the homepage about bias, watch video, and apply the glossary of terms in this module to write your assignment.

To better understand implicit or unconscious bias, psychologists at Harvard University, the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington have designed an implicit bias test known as the

Implicit Association Test, or IAT

. The test is designed to help detect the implicit or subconscious biases that shape our thinking.



CHOOSEone of the following tests to take at

Disability(‘Disabled – Abled’ IAT).

This IAT requires the ability to recognize symbols representing abled and disabled individuals.

Gender – Career

.This IAT often reveals a relative link between family and females and between career and males.

Age(‘Young – Old’ IAT).

This IAT requires the ability to distinguish old from young faces. This test often indicates that Americans have automatic preference for young over old.

Weight (‘Fat – Thin’ IAT).

This IAT requires the ability to distinguish faces of people who are obese and people who are thin. It often reveals an automatic preference for thin people relative to fat people.

BEFOREyou take the test

reflect on what you expect to find out from taking the test. Do you have a sense of what your implicit bias might be? “Implicit bias refers to the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner” ( retrieved February 13 2020).

AFTERyou take the test:

Reflect on the results. Did anything surprise you? How did the results make you feel? Apply sociology concepts from the assigned readings or glossary of terms in APA format.

Once you complete the test, take a screen caption of the page showing your completion. Upload it to the Dropbox with your one-page reflection, that includes your pre- and post- survey thoughts and reflection. Upload your screen caption to show you have completed the task. PleaseDO NOTupload a screen caption of your results. Your results are personal information for you to reflect on.

Format: use Arial 12 font, double-spaced, to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Sociology concepts are to be correctly formatted in APA style. Include a word count on the assignment.

Carefully read the marking rubric on how the assignment is graded.


DO NOT upload a screen caption of your results.Your results are personal information for you to reflect on.

Include the reflection and proof that the test was completed in the Dropbox according to the timeline and due date outlined incourse at aglance.

Allowable word count is

500 words.

Content of Assignment:

The assignment is connected to the assigned readings (key theories, concepts, and examples) or glossary of terms on bias, and the student is to provide credible citations and references in APA format to support the discussion in the assignment.

Do you Understand Assignment?

Askthe facilitator by email or set up a Google Meet to address questions you may have.



Before handing in your assignment, it is always best practice to grade the project yourself according to the rubric provided by your instructor. Note: that your professor will be using the same rubric to grade your assignment and that your self-grading is for reflective purposes only (this improves your metacognition! In other words – how this improves your self-knowledge).Do not submit your self-assessment.

Click on link to review rubric for online activity #3 – Implicit Bias

Rubric for Online Activity #3

When you have completed the assignment, make sure you submit it to the Dropbox.


Don`t copy text!
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