Digital Forensics Assessment item 1 – Practical Hands-on Projects – 1 Task: Practical Hands-on Projects (10 Marks) Complete the following hands-on projects from the textbook (Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, 6/e, Nelson, Phillips, & Steuart, 2019) Hands-on Project 1-3, Forensic Examination of Digital Media  (4Marks) After completing the hands-on project, provide a short summary of your findings from this project. Explain how did you conduct this investigation and what did you discover. Provide names and details of any files, folders and images that you investigated.  What is your conclusion at the end of

Digital Forensics

Assessment item 1 – Practical Hands-on Projects – 1




Task: Practical Hands-on Projects (10 Marks)

Complete the following hands-on projects from the textbook (Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, 6/e, Nelson, Phillips, & Steuart, 2019)

1. Hands-on Project 1-3, Forensic Examination of Digital Media  (4Marks)

After completing the hands-on project, provide a short summary of your findings from this project. Explain how did you conduct this investigation and what did you discover. Provide names and details of any files, folders and images that you investigated.  What is your conclusion at the end of this investigation? For example, you may conclude with a short paragraph stating after your investigations you could not find (or you may have found) any evidence that the former employee was involved in taking the company’s proprietary photographs with him.

 You can include 2-3 screenshots of your work. In one of the screenshots, show/include your i2 login and/or username as proof of your own work. The word limit for this project is up to 400 words. Assignments that will exceed the word limit by 10% will be penalised.

2. Practical Activity – Capturing Disk Image for Forensic Investigations (6 Marks)

This activity helps you to learn how to capture a disk image using AccessData FTK Imager Lite for forensic investigations. Read through the information in your textbook from pages 116 to 121 and complete the image-capturing activity following the steps given in the textbook. In step 8 of the activity, you are required to select the type of destination image. You are given four choices (Raw, SMART, E01 and AFF). Give a brief description of each of these types and reasons for selecting the particular type for storing the image. After completing the activity, give a brief reflection on your learning from this activity.

You can include 2-3 screenshots of your work. In one of the screenshots, show/include your i2 login and/or username as proof of your own work. The word limit for this project is up to 400 words. Assignments that will exceed the word limit by 10% will be penalised.

Marking criteria and standards


 Assessment 1 will be marked as per the following marking criteria. The total marks for this assignment are 10 and the assignment also carries 10% weightage towards the final grade.




(100% – 85%)






Hands-on project 1-3 (4 Marks)

All questions asked in the project are answered very clearly, concisely and to the point. 2-3 screenshots are provided. The word limit is met.

Practical Activity (6 Marks)

Activity completed and screenshots with a clear description provided. A good explanation of all types of image acquisition was provided. Reasons for selecting a particular method are provided. An excellent reflection was provided.





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