Identify a major fugitive investigation from public sources. Submit a 10-page analysis of the investigation along with commentary on topics covered during this course. This may also include critiques or commentary on techniques that may have been used or could have been used that are not directl

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Identify a major fugitive investigation from public sources. Submit a 10-page analysis of the investigation along with commentary on topics covered during this course. This may also include critiques or commentary on techniques that may have been used or could have been used that are not directly addressed in the source material.

Some Topics covered through the course were:
The Fourth Amendment
Law Enforcement Databases and information resources
Open Source Invesigations
Court Order/ Subpoenas/Arrest warrants
electronic/finanicial Tracking
Surviellance (electronic/finanicial)
Ruse Operations

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102


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