Review the required materials on search methods (including Boolean searches), evaluating sources, identifying types of sources, and citing sources. Research that topic and find appropriate and reputable sources. You can use non-peer-reviewed, authoritative, reputable, and credible sources, and/or scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. If you are new to Boolean se

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This assignment involves completing online research and writing a mini research blog post on your findings. Think of it as a mini “research paper” but in the form of a blog, with links and an image.
Follow these steps:
Review the required materials on search methods (including Boolean searches), evaluating sources, identifying types of sources, and citing sources.
Research that topic and find appropriate and reputable sources. You can use non-peer-reviewed, authoritative, reputable, and credible sources, and/or scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. If you are new to Boolean searching, be sure to try out these search techniques to improve your Google search skills for everyday use.
At this point, complete the Week 7: Triple Entry Source Worksheet assignment, so you have quotes and paraphrased passages to use.
Write 350-500 words (the equivalent of a 1.3-2 page essay, but in blog form), answering the question you posed, based on your research.
Find a Creative Commons image (or other image licensed for your use) and embed this in your blog post, including an alt text description.
Cite your sources in APA style (including in-text citations and a References list). Use the Learning Resources provided.
Copy just the text of your Mini Research Blog to a Word .docx and upload it to the SafeAssign link below for plagiarism checking.

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102


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