BM565 Digital Business and New Technologies CW1 2000 Word Report

Module code: BM565

Module Title: Digital Business and New Technologies

CW1 2000 Word Report (Plus supporting evidence)

Select an appropriate technological topic from the lecture series and write a 2,000-word report/review on the themes, trends and arguments emerging about that topic. The topic is to be agreed with lecturer before detailed research on it has begun. This means the topic needs to be outlined by you first and shared with the lecturer. Artificial intelligence, machine learning—-

The report should include (% mark for content given for each section):

Why you deem this topic to be of importance 15%
How this topic has developed 15%
A detailed description of the technology used in this topic and what it is used for 15%
What technological platforms and software are used in the topic 15%
The type of business and organisation that uses the technology 15%
How it is used as a business tool and how effective it is 25%

60% of word count (items a), b). c) and d) above): The work should relate to course content, discussion on the nature of the relationship between digital technologies (both old and new), and emerging theories on business and management structures, practices, people, and culture.

40% of word count (items e) and f) above): The work should relate to theories and models set out in the course content and other source material.  It should also include critical discussion of these from those sources and your own evaluation.


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