How the International Monetary System operated

We know that foreign exchange dealers often intervene in foreign exchange markets. Recently, it is estimated that US$1,800 billion is traded every day on the foreign
The post How the International Monetary System operated first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

We know that foreign exchange dealers often intervene in foreign exchange markets. Recently, it is estimated that US$1,800 billion is traded every day on the foreign exchange market. But this was not always the case; this came about as a result of changes in the international monetary system.
Your answers to questions a) and b) should total approximately 300 to 350 words.
a) State how the International Monetary System operated as defined by Bretton Woods. (7 points)
b) Explain how the changes that occurred in the function of the monetary system and the capital markets led to the boom in the foreign exchange market.



The post How the International Monetary System operated first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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