Reflect on the reading “The Negro Digs Up His Past” by Harlem Renaissance intellectual Arturo Schomburg and the TEDx talk by contemporary black intellectual and political activist Bryan Stevenson. What is each author’s/ speaker’s main argument?

WRITE: 200-Word RESPONSE: Reflect on the reading “The Negro Digs Up His Past” by Harlem Renaissance intellectual Arturo Schomburg and the TEDx talk by contemporary black intellectual and political activist Bryan Stevenson. What is each author’s/ speaker’s main argument? Do you agree or disagree with their main points? Imagine a conversation between 1920s black intellectual Arturo Schomburg and current-day lawyer and civil rights activist Bryan Stevenson. What advice might Schomburg give to Stevenson? You must use at least TWO direct quotes from the source materials.

Read: “The Negro Digs up his Past” by Arturo Schomburg (in The New Negro, 1925)

Watch: TEDx Talk, “We Need to Talk about an Injustice” by Bryan Stevenson:  (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。

This is a guideline. You may exceed the word count in the guideline below; however, if you choose to exceed the word count you must be sure that you are adding meaningful, concisely written insights.

Ten-Point Discussion POST Rubric

Up to 5 points for original thought / contribution (Word Count 200; perspective not previously posted)
Up to 5 points for development of thought ( full explanation, reference specific quotes in reading, pose a new question)

Ten-Point Discussion RESPONSE Rubric

Up to 5 points for responding to posting of others, which includes timeliness of response, response includes 100 words, response fully engages with previous post by providing specific details about why you agree OR disagree with previous post
Up to 5 points for response that includes another, original idea and a question


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