Hacking events on the US energy and banking system

          Over the past five years, the number of successful hacking events on the US energy and banking system has increased significantly.
The post Hacking events on the US energy and banking system first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.






Over the past five years, the number of successful hacking events on the US energy and banking system has increased significantly. The banking system is especially vulnerable because of the very nature of “online banking”. In 2020, published reports indicate a hacking of US Government and private systems that touched on nearly every aspect of many different agencies. For this essay you are the Secretary of The Treasury. You have assembled a Chartered Presidential approved group to develop a 10-step approach to enhancing the resilience of the banking sector in the way of the 2020 attack. In a memo, describe the specific steps you would take to enhance the resilience of this system. Where do you see the great vulnerability now and what is the biggest risk factor that needs to be addressed?


The post Hacking events on the US energy and banking system first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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