The data set consists of 1,230 individuals, including information on education, wages, parents’ education, and other variables: Statistics and Data Modelling Assignment, UoM, UK


The data set consists of 1,230 individuals, including information on education, wages, parents’ education, and other variables. You are interested in intergenerational education mobility. The dependent variable is the individual’s years of schooling. ‘methodic’ is the mother’s years of schooling and ‘father’ is the father’s years of schooling. You have the following results in Table 1.

Write the estimated regression model as an equation
Using the results in the table above, interpret the coefficient on parental education
Explain the overall goodness of fit of the model.
A second regression includes the ability score (‘able) in the regression. The ability score measures cognitive skills. Why do the coefficients of parental education change in Table 2 compare to Table 1?

Is the impact of parental education on their children’s level of education in Table 2 unbiased?

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