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Visual Analysis Assignment Guidelines Compose a rhetorical analysis of the image you selected. Remember, your essay should argue for a particular interpretation of the image. 1. Select an image from the array of images posted in iCollege. 2. Consider the following elements of your image: • The rhetorical situation of the image, including the author, audience, purpose, context, tone, genre, design, constraints, and exigence • The rhetorical strategies, or how the image is composed to produce a specific effect (use of color, layout, contrast, etc.)

Visual Analysis Assignment Guidelines Compose a rhetorical analysis of the image you selected. Remember, your essay should argue for a particular interpretation of the image. 1. Select an image from the array of images posted in iCollege. 2. Consider the following elements of your image: • The rhetorical situation of the image, including the author, … Read more

Assignment Details 0123 PSY 2305 – 00019 Developmental Psychology Assignment Instructions: 1. Select a subject (person at least 3 years old) who you know well enough to complete a developmental assessment. 2. Collect and provide a brief overview of the subject’s biographical information, including information such as their age, gender, family structure and living environment, education or employment setting, family socio-economic status, religious affiliation, ethnicity, or cultural elements etc. 3. Identify and report the subject’s current age period of development per textbook based on their chronological age. • Early Chil

Assignment Details 0123 PSY 2305 – 00019 Developmental Psychology Assignment Instructions: 1. Select a subject (person at least 3 years old) who you know well enough to complete a developmental assessment. 2. Collect and provide a brief overview of the subject’s biographical information, including information such as their age, gender, family structure and living environment, … Read more

Arden University has a commitment to promote and facilitate the conduct of ethical research. Attention to the ethical and legal implications of research for researchers, research participants and collaborators is an intrinsic part of good research practice. You are required to produce a press release to an imagined audience of first- and second-year Aden University psychology students discussing how the four primary ethical principles of; respect; competence; responsibility; and integrity apply to any given research project. (2000 words) (50 marks) (LOs 3 & 4) Record numbers of online child grooming crimes have been recorded by police in the UK in the last three years. Most of the convicted criminals used fake names and images. Please produce a newspaper article reporting on how social media and advancements digital technology have impacted on identity performance. Your answer should discuss at least two theories of identity.

Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Social Psychology assignment comprising of 2 short (2000-word each) word press releases/ newspaper articles on two different social psychology topics. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on … Read more

Part 1 – Units of Measurement in Astronomy (2 points) The distances in astronomy are so great that using miles or kilometers is insufficient, because the numbers become too large to handle. When dealing with the great distances within our solar system, we use Astronomical Units (AU), which are multiples of the distance from the Earth to the Sun. However, that measurement – the Astronomical Unit – is not large enough when considering the distance to other stars or galaxies. In that case, distance is stated in light years (ly), which is how far light travels in a year based on the speed of light. A third unit that is preferred by astronomers is the parsec (pc), which is even greater than a light year, and is based on the angle of parallax. __________________________________________________________________ A. The unit of measurement that is convenient for stating the large distances within our solar system is the Astronomical Unit (AU), defined as the average distance of the Earth to the Sun. That distance is approximately 150 million kilometers (150,000,000 km) or 93 million miles (93,000,000 miles). Some distances within the Solar System in AU are

Name:_______________________________                                                                   Date:______________________   ASTR 1303/1304 – Basics of Astronomy (Formulas & Math)   ASTRONOMICAL DISTANCES & LAWS OF MOTION (10 points)   Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to: •                  Understand the vast scale of the Universe in terms of cosmic distances, objects and events. •                  Apply … Read more

1. The evidence is that people from ethnic minorities in the UK continue to suffer some level of discrimination from the police. How does this take place, why, and what can be done to reduce it? 2. It is sometimes observed that the role of the police is not just to maintain social order, but to help change society. What evidence exists for this claim and to what extent is it true today? 3. Assess the theoretical justifications and practical implications for reducing the use of imprisonment for women offenders in England and Wales; and the issues this would raise for the female prison system.

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Criminal Justice System assessment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1. Demonstrate a … Read more

1. The evidence is that people from ethnic minorities in the UK continue to suffer some level of discrimination from the police. How does this take place, why, and what can be done to reduce it? 2. It is sometimes observed that the role of the police is not just to maintain social order, but to help change society. What evidence exists for this claim and to what extent is it true today? 3. Assess the theoretical justifications and practical implications for reducing the use of imprisonment for women offenders in England and Wales; and the issues this would raise for the female prison system.

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Criminal Justice System assessment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.   Learning Outcomes:   After completing the module, you should be able to:   … Read more

The police can be held accountable for a range of actions they may perform within their daily work roles. Complete both tasks below: a) What roles do a) the Police and Crime Commissioner, b) the Independent Police Complaints Commission, and c) the Parliament in England, play in police accountability? b) How well does the current system of police accountability ensure that the police act in a professional manner whilst also serving the needs of the public? (100 marks) (4000 words) (LOs 1-5) Question 2 Through forms of ‘responsibilisation’, both the police and the public have been expected to work together to reduce crime. Complete all three tasks below: a) Describe community policing and how the police are expected to work with the public in such a model of policing. b) How are members of the public involved in a community-based model of policing?

Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the submission deadline and the exact word count of your submitted document; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in AU Harvard system(s). You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will … Read more

You work as a manager of human service providers for a culturally diverse population. After some complaints about new human service providers hired last month, you have been asked to create a memo for the new human service providers to educate them on racial identity development. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word memo to help train new human services providers on racial identity development. Specifically, ensure your memo includes the following: Describes racial identity development and its five stages. Describes why it is important for providers to understand racial identity development when working with a cultu

You work as a manager of human service providers for a culturally diverse population. After some complaints about new human service providers hired last month, you have been asked to create a memo for the new human service providers to educate them on racial identity development. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word memo to help train … Read more

In democracies and republics, bureaucratic responsibility and accountability are preeminently important. In the United States, who controls the bureaucracy, Congress or the presidency? What is the nature of the control over the bureaucracy afforded by the presidential appointment power? What is the nature of congressional control via appropriations and oversight? Do you think that divided-party control of Congress and the executive branch makes for better oversight or just needless partisan investigations?

In democracies and republics, bureaucratic responsibility and accountability are preeminently important. In the United States, who controls the bureaucracy, Congress or the presidency? What is the nature of the control over the bureaucracy afforded by the presidential appointment power? What is the nature of congressional control via appropriations and oversight? Do you think that divided-party … Read more

You are a trainee solicitor for Arden LLP, your supervisor, Meghan Barratt, is away at a conference for the next few days. Meghan has received instructions from an existing client, Benjamin Wilson, who would like advice on multiple contract issues (explained at a-c below). Meghan would like you to read the client instructions, identify the issues, apply the law to the facts and draft a letter of advice to Benjamin Wilson. Meghan will give you feedback on the letter when she returns from the conference. Client Instructions The client is Benjamin Wilson of 14 High Street, Arden Town A47 6LT. Benjamin is a businessman who owns a car hire company and a skip hire company. The date is today’s date. The file reference is MB/BW 446467. (a)On April 1st, Max places the following advertisement in the Arden Town Newspaper: ‘A complete set of portraits by Albert Einstein for sale at £3,000. In perfect condition. Please write to Max by the 15th of April’.

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Contract Law assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1.Define and explain the … Read more


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