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How do the two works you have studied portray the struggle to be understood” The two works are: the dolls house and any five

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102 “How do the two works you have studied portray the struggle to be understood” The two works are: the dolls house and any five poems of carol Ann duffy’s 1 introduction paragraph 6 body … Read more

Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Sociology   First Writing Assignment: First Steps of a Research Proposal       In order to obtain money to do research, a proposal is necessary. In this paper, you will complete the first steps in writing a research proposal, as follows:       1. Come up with a subject.     … Read more

Discuss why the social stratification or situation occurred by relating it to four sociological concepts/theories learned from any of the chapters in the textbook. Remember that you do not need to explain the theories/concepts. You will be graded by how you apply the theories/conc

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102 By now, you should have a firm understanding of the material presented in the textbook. Write a 3 page analysis on the topic of social stratification that is found in a newspaper or magazine, … Read more

Was the decade that followed World War I a decade of “progress” in the United States? Why or why not? In your answer, please explain what the idea of “progress” means to you.

1.) Was the decade that followed World War I a decade of “progress” in the United States? Why or why not? In your answer, please explain what the idea of “progress” means to you. 2.) What was the “new consumer society” of the 1920s? Who benefited and who suffered from its emergence? 3.) What were “business … Read more

There are 3 questions consisting of 6 parts. The questions are in the uploaded file, please hand written the question. 549453

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102 There are 3 questions consisting of 6 parts. The questions are in the uploaded file, please hand written the question. 549453 a minute ago Lecture noted for this assignment are in lecture 21, please … Read more

Challenging Project: A Crossword-Puzzle Generator

9.19 (Challenging Project: A Crossword-Puzzle Generator) Most people have worked crossword puzzles, but few have ever attempted to generate one by hand. Generating a crossword puzzle is suggested here as a string-manipulation and file-processing project re- quiring substantial sophistication and effort.     There are many issues you must resolve to get even the most … Read more

The migrant experience in the Mumbai context reveals the precarious nature of the existence of workers in the informal sector. Using interview data from the Boo book, provide at least three examples from India’s performance on various social indicators (literacy, basic health care) on how the country’s development policies have actually inhibited social and economic mobility for the urban poor in Mumbai?

Essay Questions: Answer both questions. 3 pages for each. 1. The migrant experience in the Mumbai context reveals the precarious nature of the existence of workers in the informal sector. Using interview data from the Boo book, provide at least three examples from India’s performance on various social indicators (literacy, basic health care) on how the … Read more

250 words for each question

250 words for each question   Question 1:   Have you ever worked for a company that did or did not have a disaster communication plan? Now more than ever, with COVID impacting every business and every industry developing an effective communication plan is essential. Discuss how this new reality is impacting workplaces and businessess. … Read more


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