Case Study

Document: ASSESSMENT 2 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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ASSESSMENT 2 – Case Study

This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of outcome of this assessment task

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit Code:

Unit Title:
Monitor work operations

Date of Submission:

Student Declaration I declare that:

These tasks are my own work, and none of this
work has been completed by any other person.
These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded with
any other student/s.
I have correctly referenced all resources and
reference texts throughout these assessment

I have read and understood the policy on Plagiarism,
cheating and collusion and understand that if I am
found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary
action may be taken against me.
I have a copy of my assessment work with me, which
I can produce if the original is lost.

Student name: _______________________________________ Signature: _______________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessment Criteria
The student:

If Not Satisfactory,
please comment

Assessed current workloads and scheduled work to maximise efficiency and
customer service quality within budget constraints.

Yes No

Delegated work according to principles of delegation.
Yes No

Proactively shared information, knowledge and experiences with team

Yes No

Where a team member raised a problem, they encouraged the individual to
participate in solving it.

Yes No

Identified quality problems and issues and made appropriate adjustments
to procedures and systems, with relevant approvals.

Yes No

Proactively consulted with colleagues about ways to improve efficiency and
service levels, including potential for new technologies and other

Yes No

Identified and analysed workplace problems from an operational and
customer service perspective.

Yes No

Initiated short-term action to resolve immediate problems where

Yes No

Monitored team and individual performance against agreed goals and

Yes No

Completed and submitted workplace records as required.
Yes No

Monitored efficiency and service levels through close contact with day-to
day operations.

Yes No

Ensured workplace operations support overall organisational goals and
quality assurance initiatives.

Yes No

Provided feedback to colleagues and management to inform future

Yes No

Document: ASSESSMENT 2 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Identified and evaluated current and emerging industry trends and
practices relevant to own work situation.

Yes No

Assessed and responded to opportunities to improve sustainability of day
to-day operations.

Yes No

Monitored team and individual performance against agreed goals and

Yes No

Assessed workflow and progress against agreed objectives and timelines.
Yes No

Analysed problems for long-term impact and assessed and actioned
potential solutions in consultation with relevant colleagues.

Yes No

Took follow-up action to monitor effectiveness of solutions
Yes No

Ensured workplace operations support overall organisation goals and
quality assurance initiatives.

Yes No

Identified quality problems and issues and made appropriate adjustments
to procedures and systems, with relevant approvals.

Yes No

Assessed current workloads and scheduled work to maximise efficiency and
customer service quality within budget constraints.

Yes No

Assisted colleagues in prioritisation of workloads and time management
through supportive feedback and coaching.

Yes No

Provided timely input to management regarding staffing needs.
Yes No

Challenged and tested ideas within the team in a positive and collaborative

Yes No

Provided feedback, coaching and support to team members as required.
Yes No

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
(Please tick the assessment result for this task)

If Not Yet Satisfactory – Please identify the re-assessment arrangements:

Comments/ Feedback (If the student is deemed Not Satisfactory the Assessor MUST state the circumstances and reasons
why this judgment has been made):

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name: ___________________________________ Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Document: ASSESSMENT 2 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Assessment Guidelines for Student:
Conditions of assessment:
For this Assessment you are required to follow the instructions provided under Tasks to be
completed by the student
and submit your response by the date advised to your Assessor.
Your assessor will advise you the Dates and timing for this assessment as per the timetable.
Your evidence submitted for this Assessment Task will be graded as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not
Satisfactory. Your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so
that you can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
If you require an allowable adjustment to this assessment procedure you should discuss this with your
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment decision you should make an appeal to Glen Institute in
writing no longer than 10 days following advice of the assessment decision.
Context of and specific resources for assessment
Access to office equipment and learning resources, access to computer with internet, printer, projector,
and other office facilities.
Contextualised scenario
Tasks to be completed by the student
This assessment consists of four tasks 1,2,3, 4 and 5
Read the Contextualised scenario and answer the questions outlined in Five tasks based on this scenario.
Contextualised scenario
Boutique Events is a small, exclusive catering and events company specialising in creating exceptional
experiences for weddings and corporate events across a range of indoor and outdoor venues. The company
employs seven full-time staff, including an events director, events coordinator, an executive chef, two chefs,
three supervisors and up to 20 casual staff, depending on demand.
Susan is the events coordinator. She prides herself on attending every event to support and assist the
supervisors in charge and help with last-minute emergencies and details. As a result, Susan works a 70-hour
week and is constantly tired. She has very little social life as many of the events take place on the weekend.
She is dedicated to her role and employers, working tirelessly to help the business achieve its growth target.
She would like her supervisors to take more responsibility and make decisions, but she finds they won’t
when she is there. They regularly refer all but the most basic decisions to her. She finds herself having to
give them a lot of direction and monitor their work closely. Her manager, the events director, has told her
she needs to start delegating tasks more and reduce the number of events she attends or limit the amount
of time spent there.

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RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Following is a list of some of Susan’s responsibilities and tasks she performs in her role.
Organises event bookings and contracts.
Liaises with clients regarding their needs and updates contracts accordingly.
Liaises with venues and suppliers and negotiates contracts for space, supplies, audio-visual equipment
Conducts research, makes site visits and finds resources to help with decisions about event possibilities.
Creates and revises room layouts for each event.
Creates event run sheets to ensure the smooth flow of the event.
Organises staff rosters.
Assists with preparing budgets and provides periodic progress reports to the event director.
Ensures all staff arrive on time and are in full uniform. Organises replacement staff in case of
Conducts pre/post-shift meetings.
Monitors staff on shift and ensures all SOPs and quality assurance principles are adhered to.
Updates company SOPs.
Conducts employee appraisals in conjunction with the events director.
Conducts staff recruitment and selection.
Trains new and existing staff when necessary.
Checks staff time cards after an event.
Ensures labour costs comply with budget.
Liaises with the executive chef regarding client needs prior to the event.
Liaises with head cook regarding client needs during an event.
Handles complaints.
Checks that audio-visual equipment, signage and décor meet quality expectations.
Assists the supervisors in checking room layout prior to the event and that all materials, such as place
cards, nametags, packages, gift bags, registration lists, etc., are prepared.

Document: ASSESSMENT 2 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Task 1
Answer the following questions
Q1: Why is delegation an important skill for Susan to learn?

Why do you think Susan’s supervisors have been unwilling to take responsibility for decision-making
when Susan is present?

Q3: Why do you think Susan doesn’t delegate? Explain your reasons.
Q4: What tasks are not suitable for Susan to delegate?

Which of Susan’s tasks could be completed by others in the management team when she’s absent, for
example, on annual or sick leave?


What tasks that Susan currently regularly undertakes could be permanently delegated to her

Q7: What should Susan do to ensure any delegated tasks are successfully performed?

There are four methods of giving instructions effectively. Give one example of how Susan could give an
instruction to her supervisors for each method.

Q9: Suggest some time management strategies that could assist Susan.
Q10: How can ineffective time management become a workplace health and safety issue? Discuss the
potential operational or legal implications of this issue.
Q11: One of the tasks Susan has permanently delegated to her supervisors is checking the set up and
operation of AV equipment prior to the commencement of an event. One of the supervisors has
approached Susan and told her she doesn’t know how to set up many of the items of equipment. She
has always asked one of the more tech-savvy service staff to do it. How can Susan encourage her
supervisor to participate in solving this problem?
Q12: How could any information, knowledge or experience Susan has helped her supervisor in this situation?

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RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Task 2
Boutique Events collects feedback from clients through online surveys. They are automatically emailed to all
clients and guests the day after an event. They average a 60% response rate. Results indicate an overall
satisfaction rating of 85%, which is very positive. They also receive emails from clients thanking them for the
success of their event and congratulating them on their high customer service standards.
These are the most common areas of customer dissatisfaction expressed in the online survey.
Equipment is not working when required, especially audio-visual equipment such as projectors and
computers used for presentations. (40% of complaints)
Some hot menu items are cold when served to customers at outdoor marquee events. These are usually
plated menu items, not buffet or barbeque items. (22% of complaints)
Access to an outdoor marquee was difficult. This comment is usually received when there has been wet
weather prior to the event. The comments are usually made by women. (15% of complaints)
Staff running the event (supervisors/coordinators) were unprofessional, not available when needed, did
not fulfil requests. (12% of complaints)
Staff were rude, unhelpful, poor appearance, provided slow service. (8% of complaints)
These are the most common areas of customer satisfaction expressed in the online surveys:
Staff are very friendly, helpful and professional.
Event organisers and supervisors were very helpful and knowledgeable. They gave great advice and
Food was delicious and well presented.
Event ran smoothly and on time.
Answer the following questions
Q1: Based on the feedback and case study information provided in Task 1, what potential quality problems
or issues do Boutique Events have?
Q2: Who could Susan consult with when considering ways to address quality issues and reduce customer
complaints? Indicate what she would discuss with each person.
Q3: Choose one of the problems or issues listed in your response to question 1. Describe what adjustments
Susan can make to procedures or systems to improve quality and reduce complaints.
Q4: What is one short-term action Susan could take to reduce the impact of this problem?

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RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Task 3
Morrison is one of Susan’s supervisors. All the supervisors have several similar KPIs, including Morrison.
90% customer satisfaction rate at every event based on email feedback results.
Maximum deviation of 10% from agreed event timelines.
Staff labour costs within 10% of labour budget for each event.
Here are the labour cost results for the last five events Morrison has supervised since Susan started to
reduce her workload by no longer attending all events and checking all staff time cards.

Budget $
Actual $

Sam’s engagement
+ 18%

Morison wedding
– 2%

Margret’s 50th
+ 17%

George’s retirement
– 2%

Uni lever conference
+ 11%

Susan held a performance review meeting with Morrison about his performance. Here is a summary of the
Morrison has been employed with the company for six months. It’s his first job supervising events. Prior
to starting with Boutique Events, he was employed in a large hotel managing a restaurant.
Most cost overruns are associated with service staff, not kitchen.
Susan attended part or all of the events that were slightly under budget.
Morrison feels certain service staff take longer to complete assigned duties on purpose so they will be
paid for additional hours.
He finds they do not listen to him when he requests them to complete tasks faster and deliberately slow
down when requested to improve performance.
Other members of the team have approached him during events; they wish to go home when their
assigned tasks are done and do not want to have to remain until all duties are finished. They feel they are
regularly completing extra duties due to other staff members underperforming.
The conference labour costs were over budget as the client’s guest speakers ran over their allocated time
periods. The conference dinner finished one and a half hours late on the first day and the workshops one
hour late on the second. Susan is aware of these issues as Morrison informed her when they occurred.
Morrison has suggested introducing a system for capping hours for each event and notifying all staff. He
thinks it might reduce the incentive to perform slower.
He also suggests the business undertake a productivity review to calculate average time it takes to
complete a range of common tasks to make it easier to evaluate if staff are deliberately underperforming.
Susan shared customer feedback which indicated 95% of customers were satisfied with events Morrison
has supervised.

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RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Answer the following questions
Q1: Based on the results, is Morrison meeting his KPIs?

Based on Susan’s duties and your response to question 4 (duties that cannot be delegated) in Task 1,
is managing Morrison’s performance one of Susan’s responsibilities? Explain why/why not.


Complete the Performance report (template provided) based on Morrison’s KPIs, performance results
and the information gained in the performance review meeting.

Task 4
Susan and her manager are concerned about complaints relating to hot plated food being cold by the time
they are served to customers attending events in outdoor marquees. They feel this is a serious quality issue
and want to address it quickly. Susan has been asked to research methods of improving service standards.
Areas that could be addressed are menu items, service procedures, equipment or technology, or any other
innovation that resolves this issue.
The events director has set Susan a goal: to reduce customer complaints relating to the issue by 50% and
increase overall customer satisfaction rates by 5% within the next six months.
Use the internet or other research techniques to investigate options for resolving this quality issue.
Answer the following questions


Based on your research, what is your recommendation?
Describe how this solution will resolve the issue. How will it ensure hot plated food remains hot during
service to customers?
What are the potential long-term positive and/or negative consequences of implementing this
recommendation? Consider factors such as workflows, event timings, individual and team work loads
and job roles/responsibilities, food quality, service standards, organisational procedures.
How does this recommendation affect the financial sustainability of the business, for example, does it
increase or decrease costs in the short or long term? If yes, in which areas of the business?
What changes must be made to workplace procedures or work practices if your recommendation is
What support or coaching do individuals and teams need to implement your recommendation
What methods can Susan and her supervisors use to monitor the implementation and operation of
your recommendation in day-to-day operations, for example, how do you monitor efficiency, assess
workflows or ability to meet service, health and safety or human resource standards?
How can Susan determine if your recommendation has successfully resolved the issue? Briefly







describe the monitoring method(s), sources of feedback and organisational goals or information you
will use.

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RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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Task 5
The company would like to build on this success and grow the business, increasing sales by 20% by the end of
the next financial year. They have a website that was built three years ago and a Facebook page. They exhibit
at bridal, wedding and some industry expos to promote their business and gain new contacts and clients. They
place advertisements in several bridal and business magazines several times a year.
Answer the following questions
Q1: What current or emerging industry trends can Boutique Events incorporate into their current operation
to help them achieve their business goals? Describe at least two methods and discuss how they help the
business achieve their goals.
Q2: What customer service or quality standards are enhanced by each of these methods?
Q3: How do these methods affect operational workflow, and job roles or responsibilities?
Q4: How do you test your ideas with your team? Describe what techniques you can use to ensure a positive
and collaborative environment.
Q5: How do your suggestions affect staffing needs? Outline the impact of your suggestions on current
staffing levels, if new positions within the organisation will be created as a result, or if new responsibilities
must be allocated to existing staff members.
Q6: If new responsibilities are allocated to Susan, how will these changes affect her workload? Base your
response on Susan’s duties listed in the case study information in Task 1.
Evidence to be collected for this assessment:
Task 1:
Printed copy of responses to all the question listed under the Task
Task 2: Printed copy of responses to all the question listed under the Task
Task 3: Printed copy of responses to all the question listed under the Task
Complete the Performance report for Morrison
Task 4: Printed copy of responses to all the question listed under the Task
Task 5: Printed copy of responses to all the question listed under the Task


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