
Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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ASSESSMENT 1 – Questioning

This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of student competency in this assessment task.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit Code:

Unit Title:
Monitor work operations

Date of Assessment:

Student Declaration I declare that:

These tasks are my own work, and none of this
work has been completed by any other person.
These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded with
any other student/s.
I have correctly referenced all resources and
reference texts throughout these assessment

I have read and understood the policy on Plagiarism,
cheating and collusion and understand that if I am
found to be in breach of this policy, disciplinary action
may be taken against me.
I have a copy of my assessment work with me, which I
can produce if the original is lost.

Student name: _______________________________________ Signature: _______________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Assessment Criteria
If Not Satisfactory, please

1.1. Monitor efficiency and service levels through close contact with day-to
day operations.

Yes No

1.2. Ensure workplace operations support overall organisational goals and
quality assurance initiatives.

Yes No

1.3. Identify quality problems and issues and make appropriate adjustments
to procedures and systems, with relevant approvals.

Yes No

1.4. Proactively consult with colleagues about ways to improve efficiency and
service levels, including potential for new technologies and other innovations.

Yes No

1.5. Provide feedback to colleagues and management to inform future

Yes No

1.6. Identify and take opportunities to evaluate current and emerging
industry trends and practices for relevance to own work situation.

Yes No

1.7. Assess and respond to opportunities to improve sustainability of day-to
day operations.

Yes No

2.1. Assess current workloads, and schedule work to maximise efficiency and
customer service quality within budget constraints.

Yes No

2.2. Delegate work according to principles of delegation.
Yes No

2.3. Assess workflow and progress against agreed objectives and timelines
Yes No

2.4. Assist colleagues in prioritising workload through supportive feedback and

Yes No

2.5. Provide timely input to appropriate management regarding staffing needs.
Yes No

3.1. Monitor team and individual performance against agreed goals and

Yes No

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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3.2. Proactively share information, knowledge and experiences with team

Yes No

3.3. Challenge and test ideas within the team in a positive and collaborative

Yes No

3.4. Provide feedback, coaching and support to team members.
Yes No

3.5. Complete and submit organisation records as required.
Yes No

4.1. Identify and analyse workplace problems from an operational and
customer service perspective.

Yes No

4.2. Initiate short-term action to resolve immediate problem where

Yes No

4.3. Analyse problems for long-term impact and assess and action potential
solutions in consultation with relevant colleagues.

Yes No

4.4. Where a team member raises a problem, encourage individual
participation in solving it.

Yes No

4.5. Take follow-up action to monitor effectiveness of solutions.
Yes No

Work organisation and planning methods appropriate to the industry sector
Yes No

Leadership and management roles and responsibilities in the relevant
industry sector.

Yes No

Operational functions in the relevant industry sector.
Yes No

Procedures and systems to support work operations:
Health and safety
Service standards
Work practices
Yes No

Concepts of quality assurance and how it may be managed and implemented
in the workplace.

Yes No

Sustainability considerations for frontline operational management,
o Relationship between operational efficiency and financial
o Ways of minimising waste in the relevant work context
o Social responsibilities of the operation
Yes No

Time management principles and their application to leaders and managers
for planning own work and the work of others.

Yes No

Principles of effective delegation and delegation techniques in a frontline
management context:
o Clear communication of what is required.
o Gaining commitment
o No undue interference
o Regular reporting
o Selecting the right person
Yes No

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
3 of 6

Problem-solving and decision-making processes and techniques and their
application to typical workplace issues.

Yes No

Industrial or legislative issues that affect short-term work organisation
appropriate to the industry sector, including:
o Relationship of relevant industrial awards to hours and conditions of
o Ensuring systems and procedures meet work health and safety

Yes No


Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
(Please tick the assessment result for this task)

If Not Yet Satisfactory – Please identify the re-assessment

Comments/ Feedback (If the student is deemed Not Satisfactory the Assessor MUST state the circumstances and reasons
why this judgment has been made):

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate
Assessor Name: ___________________________________ Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
4 of 6
Assessment Guidelines for Student:
Conditions of assessment
This assessment requires you to answer all the listed questions in your own words.
This assessment will be conducted in Glen Institute’s classroom.
On completion, submit the knowledge test to your assessor.
You are required to answer all the questions that are outlined in this Assessment and submit your
evidence to your Assessor so that you can be graded as either
S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory
for this assessment. Your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
Only when all your answers have been assessed as satisfactory will you be deemed S – Satisfactory for
this assessment.
If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so
that you can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
If you require an allowable adjustment to this assessment procedure you should discuss this with your
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment decision you should make an appeal to Glen Institute in
writing no longer than 10 days following advice of the assessment decision.
Context of and specific resources for assessment
During the assessment tasks, you will be provided with:
Printed copy of the written assessment
Your assessor will be assessing you on the criteria listed in the Assessment cover
Evidence to be provided by the student for this assessment:
Printed copy of responses to all the questions
Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
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ASSESSMENT 1 – Questioning
Answer the following questions
Q 1. The process of monitoring work operations is often broken down into six stages. Name 3 of these.
Q 2. Monitoring the expected service provisions of your staff is an important part of a frontline supervisor’s
job. How often should this be done?
Q 3. Once workflows have been established, what should you do to determine whether the workflows you
have implemented are in line with achieving organisational goals?
Q 4. List 3 ways to identify quality problems with your service.
Q 5. ‘In house training’ is one example of a process or system which you may need to make adjustments to
resolve quality issues. List 4 other processes or systems from your industry.
Q 6. How can encouraging a culture of open communication and innovative thinking help you improve
efficiency and service levels?
Q 7. List 3 ways to identify current and emerging trends in your industry.
Q 8. Sustainability is usually associated with the environment; however, it can also refer to the operations of
a business. Other than environment, what are the 2 other areas of operational sustainability?
Q 9. What is the purpose of having a logical, well defined workflow?
Q 10. List 3 business benefits of having an efficient and effective workflow?
Q 11. ‘Considering the task to be delegated’ is the first step in the delegation process. List 3 more steps in
delegating work or job tasks to staff.
Q 12. A Gantt chart can help you monitor your workflow progress against timelines to a help ensure
objectives are being met on time. List 3 things you need to do to develop a Gantt chart.
Q 13. Coaching and mentoring staff can help them prioritise their job tasks and workload. Name 3 functions
of coaches or mentors.
Q 14. ‘Giving credit where credit is due’ is one effective way of providing feedback and guidance to your
staff. List 3 other examples.
Q 15. You must keep management informed if the workflow you have designed impacts on staff. What are 2
possible impacts implementing a new workflow may have on staffing requirements?
Q 16. List 5 aspects of staff behaviour or productivity that you should monitor.
Q 17. What are 4 common signs that there may be some performance problems or issues you might need to
deal with?
Q 18. How can simply sharing what you know to staff members improve the performance of the business?
Q 19. Brainstorming is a fantastic way of creating, developing, challenging and testing ideas. List 3 ways you
can make sure your brainstorming sessions are effective.

Document: ASSESSMENT 1 SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations
RTO # 41380 | CRICOS # 03632K |Version: 1.1 | Page
6 of 6
Q 20. List 3 types of administration documents or workplace records you might need to complete and
submit in your industry.
Q 21. List 5 types of customer service related problems from your industry that would require your
attention as a supervisor.
Q 22. List 5 common management problems or issues that you as a supervisor, may deal with on a regular
Q 23. Consider the following scenario.
A customer arrives to find that you have no record of a booking he claims he made with one of your staff
members several weeks ago.
What is a possible short-term action you could take to resolve the problem?
Q 24. Considering the previous scenario.
What is a possible long-term action you could take to resolve the problem?
Q 25. What is the advantage of involving staff in the decision-making process?
Q 26. When a staff member raises a problem with you, write 2 questions you could use to encourage them
to help solve the problem.
Q 27. How often should you review decisions you have made to see if they are still effective?
Q 28. Give an example of industrial awards or conditions in your industry, that may affect how you roster
staff, etc.
Q 29. Name a website could you use as a reference to check the awards and conditions of your workplace.
Q 30. For your department and your industry, list 4 job positions, and briefly describe the tasks and
requirements of each position. 2 of the positions must be management positions within your sector (the
positions must differ from the examples provided below)
For example:

Tasks and Requirements

F&B Manager
Restaurant Supervisor
Head Waiter

Oversees bookings, training, budget, orders beverages
Ensures correct restaurant setup, service standards
Looks after sections of the restaurant

Q 31. List 4 principles of time management.


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