Running Record

Version Sem. 2, 2021
Running Record

Name of child: Sammy T.
Age of child ( 2.09
Date of observation: 16.07.21
Time: 2.40-2.45pm
Name of observer: Subash R.

Sammy is having free play time after their afternoon snacks in
the indoor environment

o Physical development
o Cognitive development
o Social development
o Emotional development

Analysis of Learning from a
developmental focus

02:40 Sammy walks around the room and chooses to play in
kitchen corner.
02:41 She carries a basket and starts putting all fruits and
veggies inside her basket. She picks up a watermelon from the
floor, looks at it closely and says, “Oh, watermelon” and puts
in her basket.
02:42 She walks around the room with her basket and gives
some of the fruits to friends playing on the table, saying, “Do
you want banana?” Her friend takes the banana Sammy
offers, pretends to eat it, and gives it back.
02:43 She walks towards another friend and says, “What you
want? Her friend says, “Doughnut.” Sammy replies, “It is
yucky” and walks back towards the kitchen area.
02:44 She sits on the chair, finds a milk bottle, and pretends to
drink the milk. She grabs another bottle of sauce, puts it back
and again grab the milk bottle and starts drinking.
02:45 Sammy continues pretend playing, transferring the
fruits from her basket to another basket. She finds an ice
cream and continues to pretend eat it.

Sammy shows ability to make her
own decision about playing.
Sammy recognizes the fruits.
Sammy is trying to sell the food.
Sammy shows understanding about
healthy and unhealthy food.
Sammy demonstrates understanding
what she can drink by drinking the
milk and not the sauce.
Sammy displays pleasure in pretend
playing as she

What next?
Using resources from Munch and Move, I will discuss with Sammy about healthy and unhealthy food
using sorting activity.

Links to EYLF Outcomes – Limit to 2 outcomes using the format: EYLF [numbers]: full statement
EYLF [3.2.9] showanincreasingawarenessofhealthy lifestyles and good nutrition.
EYLF [1.1.9] confidently explore and engage with socialandphysicalenvironments through relationshipsand



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