At this point you will combine the work you have done in Stages 1 and 2 into a complete paper offering an interpretation of the myth you chose.
Write a 1000–1250 word essay that includes the following:
A brief summary of the myth
A descriiption of the cultural context of the myth
A descriiption of the archetypes seen in this myth and an explanation of how they can apply to nonmaterial culture (beliefs, values, norms, or customs and traditions, etc.) and gender or societal roles in the myth’s culture
An analysis of the meaning of the myth in that culture that uses a theoretical approach to shows how the myth relates to specific element(s) of nonmaterial culture in terms of the moral, political, social, economic, scientific, or proto-scientific message it contains
A conclusion
A reference list in MLA format
Submit this as a Word document. The text of the essay should be typed, double-spaced, and use a common 12-pt. font like Times New Roman or Calibri.