Refer to our university information system and perform a critical system review of Canvas as a computer application Learning Management System (LMS); being used in teaching and

please see attached files for instructions:

-Attachment 1 is the assignment instructions

-Attachment 2 is the study case.


Submit your analysis in a minimum one-page word document
Submit your revised system’s diagram as a PDF or a screen capture (pic file)

Please the most important for me is question 2 ( system’s diagram) .  You can use or another application you are most familiar with to draw. 

NB: I need this assignment done in the next 24 hours.



4/16/23, 4:43 PM Current Events & Trend Reports#7: Information Systems Review… 1/4

Current Events & Trend Reports#7: Information Systems Review 4/16/2023

50 Possible Points IN PROGRESS Next Up: Submit Assignment

Unlimited Attempts Allowed 4/2/2023

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Information Systems Review Review the attached Case Analysis & Trend Report #7-Information Systems Review document and complete the following:

1. Submit your analysis in a minimum one-page word document 2. Submit your revised system’s diagram as a PDF or a screen capture (pic file)

I303-Case Analysis & Trend Report #7-Information Systems Review.pdf (

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Report + Diagram

Criteria Ratings Pts

Content view longer description / 15 pts

Development view longer description / 15 pts

Organization view longer description / 5 pts

15 to >12 pts Full Marks

Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in- depth analysis and evidence of original thought and support for the topic.

12 to >8 pts Above Average

Content indicates original thinking and develops ideas with sufficient and firm evidence

8 to >4 pts Average

Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas.

4 to >0 pts Below Average

Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdevel oped and unoriginal.

0 pts No Marks

Content underdevel oped and unoriginal.

15 to >12 pts Full Marks

The main points well developed with high- quality support. Reveals a high degree of critical thinking.

12 to >8 pts Above Average

The main points well developed with quality supporting details. Critical thinking is weaved into points

8 to >4 pts Average

Main points are present with limited detail and developmen t. Some critical thinking is present.

4 to >0 pts Below Average

Main points lack detailed developmen t. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking.

0 pts No Marks

No detailed developmen t. Ideas with little evidence of critical thinking.

5 to >3 pts Full Marks

The analysis shows a high degree of attention to logic and reasoning of points. Unity clearly leads the reader to the conclusion and stirs thought regarding the topic.

3 to >0 pts Average

The analysis is coherent and logically organized. Some points remain misplaced and stray from the topic. Transitions evident but not used throughout the analysis.

0 pts No Marks

No logical organization present. Serious errors throughout, with no coherent unity.


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Choose a submission type

Report + Diagram

Criteria Ratings Pts

Grammar, Mechanics, Style/Format view longer description

/ 5 pts

Diagram view longer description / 10 pts

Total Points: 0

5 to >3 pts Full Marks

The analysis is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absence of fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. Shows outstanding style going beyond usual college level; rhetorical devices and tone used effectively. Meets formatting requirements with evidence of attention to detail; all margins, spacing, and indentations are correct; the analysis is neat and correctly assembled with a professional look. Sources properly cited.

3 to >0 pts Average

Most spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct allowing reader to progress through the analysis. Some errors remain. Approaches college level usage of some variety in sentence patterns, diction, and rhetorical devices. Generally correct margins, spacing, and indentations; the analysis is neat but may have some assembly errors. Sources cited.

0 pts No Marks

Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors create a distraction, making reading difficult; fragments, comma splices, run-ons evident. Errors are frequent. Mostly in elementary form with little or no variety in sentence structure, diction, rhetorical devices, or emphasis. The neatness of the analysis needs attention, along with formatting.

10 to >0 pts Critique of diagram understanding

Understands and interprets information correctly and systematically.

0 pts No Marks

Diagram insufficient/or missing from the assignment.

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Learning Act – Information System Review

Introduction: Consider the holistic view of systems being the sum of all parts (Business, Organization, and Technology) and the 3 main relationships discussed earlier; User to People (U2P), User to Technology (U2T), and Technology to Technology (T2T) in terms of interfaces, interactions, and interdependencies depicted in the following slides.

What matters most in an Information System Review is conducting an Intelligence Analysis of the Needs identified between the Technology and Business and the Behaviors identified between the Business and People/Organization in terms of achieving the desired Results and Outcomes.

Part-1 Refer to our university information system and perform a critical system review of Canvas as a computer application “Learning Management System (LMS)” being used in teaching and learning to complete the following:

1. Identify and note any areas of improvements in terms of performance and benefits from at least 2 user’s perspectives (Students and Professors) in terms of Needs, Behavior, and Results/Outcomes

2. Summarize all your areas of improvements and what changes you think would improve

the IUPUI Information System and the use of Canvas as a computer application in terms of performance and benefits for the users you have identified in question 1.

3. Note: You may also choose to use the organization you are currently working for or have worked for in the past to perform this review and IS analysis. Part-2

1. Use or another application you are most familiar with to draw and depict a system diagram that will include the areas of improvement you have identified. You may use icon, pictures, logos etc…or simply text boxes. See following example of an e- learning system:

2. Submit your analysis in a minimum one-page word document 3. Submit your revised system’s diagram as a PDF or a screen capture (pic file)


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