The Cultural Analysis should be at least 900 words and should not exceed 1200 words in length (which will roughly translate to a length of between 3 a

Global Cultural Analysis ENGL 1302 Due Date: 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 19 through eCourses. Length and Format: The Cultural Analysis should be at least 900 words and should not exceed 1200 words in length (which will roughly translate to a length of between 3 and 4 pages) and should be formatted according to APA guidelines with a full Reference page at the end and in-text citations within the essay. Assignment Overview: In this essay, students will focus on a specific aspect of global culture and then explore how that cultural item affects, shapes, or impacts our everyday lives: you may remember how in class we explored how monster figures from a specific culture actually represented the societal fears of that culture and impacted the way they lived or understood the world around them. In the same way here, students will choose an item or idea from a specific culture and then after introducing it, work to show what that item or idea reveals about the culture in which it exists. As one example, you might consider a particular fashion trend in African American culture that has become prominent within the last decade and work to show in your essay how this trend came about or evolved over time, and then explain and explore what this trend reveals about the culture, their experiences, their concems, their values, etc. In other words, how can we better understand or see a cultural group based on the item or idea you explore here. Students should begin here by choosing a specific cultural item or topic that interest them; some sample items or topics include but are not limited to: music from a Bollywood movie, a unique clothing items from a different culture, different family traditions within a unique cultural setting. the impact of a television show on a group of people, etc. Having identified a topic, students will then engage researching that particular topic using the online library databases as well as the CRAP method of evaluation to find credible source material that will help broaden the student’s understanding or perspective of the issue they have chosen Then in a well written essay, students will introduce their specific topic and explore how that topic has evolved and impacted the culture in which it exists. As a part of this analysis, students may very well choose to engage such issues as power, privilege, politics, gender, race, etc. Each point that you make in the essay should of course be supported with relevant evidence and sound reasoning. • As another example (different from the one listed earlier), a student choosing to write about the role of the Anti-Hero in modern film may begin by focusing on the evolution of the Anti-Hero in American culture over the last couple of decades and show how the characteristics of this heroic archetype have become more palatable to society. The student may then shift their focus to show how traditional villain figures such The Joker (from Batman) have begun to be seen in a more favorable, relatable, and empathetic light as they begin to embody traditional Anti-Hero characteristics. Finally, the student may explore why this is happening in American culture and what it means, how it shapes our understanding of other people, etc. Sources & Additional Notes: As this is a research-based essay, students should engage in researching various sources to help in their unpacking of the story: students will be required to include a minimum of 2 credible sources in their essay Students will need to include quotes from the sources in the essay as well as a Reference page at the end of their essay all of which should be cited according to APA style. The essay should avoid plagiarism and students should be aware that plagiarism will result in not only an automatic failing grade but likely a 0 on the assignment. **Please be aware that we will have an in-class Peer Editing Scaffolding Assignment (5%) over the finished essay in class on Tuesday (April 18) so students should have a completed and printed out version of the assignment in class with them that day in order to participate. Grade: This assignment is worth 15% of the overall grade. Grade Breakdown: Your essay will be graded based on the following criteria. Critical Thinking (Out of 30 Points): Paper should demonstrate solid powers of analysis and synthesis. The paper clearly introduces a specific cultural topic, explores that topic and both its evolution and its impact on the culture in which it exists. Source Work (Out of 15 Points): Source material is well selected and appropriately used. References to the sources are clear, accurate, and adequately support the paper’s analysis without being cumbersome or distracting. Paraphrases, quotes, and summaries are skillfully executed with


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