You are tasked to produce a written essay that is approximately 1,500 words in length. • The essay is to discuss any selected aspect or case study or novel issue pertaining to the digital economy of your choice. • You are to utilise appropriate economic concepts and models that you have learnt in class pertaining to modules 1 to 5 as tools of analyses.

You are tasked to produce a written essay that is approximately 1,500 words in length.

• The essay is to discuss any selected aspect or case study or novel issue pertaining to

the digital economy of your choice.

• You are to utilise appropriate economic concepts and models that you have learnt in

class pertaining to modules 1 to 5 as tools of analyses.

• An emphasis is placed in the essay for you to demonstrate understanding and

application of relevant economic concepts and models.

• You are further required to demonstrate understanding of the dynamics of the digital

economy in order to shed light on the implications, challenges, and business

innovation opportunities that these dynamics present.


Marking Weight:

• Choice of selected aspect/case study/novel issue of digital economy (10%)

• Content knowledge of the digital economy (25%)

• Appropriate use of economic concepts and/or models (35%)

• Evidence of research (15%)

• Presentation, grammar, structure, referencing (15%)

— Marking Weight:

Choice of selected aspect/case study/novel issue of digital economy (10%)

Content knowledge of the digital economy (25%)

Appropriate use of economic concepts and/or models (35%)

Evidence of research (15%)

Presentation, grammar, structure, referencing (15%)- The following learning outcomes are related to this A1 assessment tasks:

Ability to describe basic economics principles and techniques with application to the digital economy.

Ability to analyse the dynamic of the digital economy in relation to the implications, challenges and innovation opportunities it presents


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