American Politics Reading Response

American Politics Reading Response Guidelines   Length: 500 words minimum, 1000 word maximum Format: Single-spaced, 12pt font, 1 inch margins, no title page Citation style: Chicago Style (find instructions here: # of citations: You should cite the supplemental reading/podcast, your textbook, and one credible outside source (I will discuss what counts as “credible” in class) Submission details: No hard copies will be … Read more

Conduct research to locate a journal article or online resource on Prevention i.e Suicide, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs.

Conduct research to locate a journal article or online resource on Prevention (i.e Suicide, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs, School Truancy, Sex Trafficking, Retention Rates, Pregnancy, etc.,) . Review the following resource: The School Counselor and the Identification, Prevention and Intervention of Behaviors That Are Harmful and Place Students At-RiskLinks to an external site. Note. … Read more

Databases for Management Information Systems

The Role of Structured and Unstructured Data within a Modern-Day Healthcare Organisation Within a modern-day healthcare organization, it is not uncommon to process data from multiple sources both in structured and unstructured data formats to assist with operational activities and/or organizational assessment. Prepare a report for an organization of your choice, advising on how it … Read more

BSB108 A1 Insight report – National business environment

Module Code: BSB108 Module Title: Business Environment A1 Insight Report: National business environment Words-length : 2500 words inclusive of in-text citations, figures, tables etc and excludes reference list Assessment Task: An anonymous investor has requested an overview of the business environment within which the Australian aged care sector operates. You have been commissioned to write … Read more

How do expertise-oriented an consumer-oriented evaluation approaches differ? How are they alike? What are your thoughts about the value of these approaches?

The initial posting should be substantive and include terminology and show a grasp of the material as well as your own ideas around the issues. 1) How do expertise-oriented an consumer-oriented evaluation approaches differ? How are they alike? What are your thoughts about the value of these approaches? 2) How should one determine the criteria … Read more

For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performan

For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performance was observed in the workplace (or you are familiar, via research, where this occurred in an organization). An example could be the poor performance of a co-worker, excessive absenteeism in the workplace, or disrespect exhibited between/among employees.. Briefly discuss the situation you experienced above … Read more


In 2012, Soar’s two co-founders, Tony Griffin, and Karl Swan, set about fixing a problem that was becoming evident among Irish teenagers. The country was still recovering from a recession and Irish people were struggling. Many adults had lost jobs, people had to move out of their homes and many young people’s worlds were thrown … Read more

BM563 : Operations and Service Management – CW1 Career Research Report

Module Code: BM563 Module Title: Operations and Service Management Word count is 2,500 (+/- 10%) Assignment task: The scenario is that you have been instructed by your Operations Manager to produce a report recommending improvements to an operations practice in the organisation. Task requirements: Select an organisation and apply all four of the questions below. … Read more

U.S. Constitution, The Declaration Of Independence,

Comparison Paper Instructions For this assignment, you will read the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Once you have read these founding documents and Jefferson’s letter, you will write a 4-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) adhering to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines … Read more


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