Large Datasets Challenges: After reading this article: Patel, H. (2019, Januar

Large Datasets Challenges:
After reading this article: Patel, H. (2019, January 10). These are the best free open data sources anyone can use -FreeCodeCamp. Please search for a free large data set and respond to the following:
Research one of the free large datasets listed in the article and provide a description of the dataset. Please discuss how the dataset can be used as well as some of the challenges in working with this dataset. Also, how do you think one can overcome these challenges?
Requirement: 5 short paragraphs for above question.
Using PivotTables:
After reading this article, Bruns, D. (n.d.). Can pivot tables save your job? -Exceljet. Please respond to the following:
What is the purpose of a pivot table?
Give a specific example of when you may choose to use a pivot table.
Please discuss a way that you could use a pivot table in your current or future career?
Requirement: 5 short paragraphs for above question.


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